Belly fat is stubborn, it doesn’t go away easily and obviously is uncomfortable and annoying when you wear your favorite clothes. Women often ask if starving can help to lose belly fat. No, it doesn’t actually. Instead of starving reduce the portion of food you consume. If you breakdown your meals throughout the day, it will keep your metabolism high.
But many people do starve to lose belly fat – yes, they do. Little do they know or realize that their body is suffering, and the effects will be seen in the long run.
Overall, when you starve this happens in your body:
- Metabolism slows down.
- You start losing energy.
- You feel exhausted and do not have the energy to do things.
- There is anxiety, stress, and depression.
- You cannot starve for a prolonged period.
- It will hamper your future weight loss plans.
Starving is never helpful to lose any kind of body fat. Experts believe that starving to lose weight is a temporary process because no one can starve life-long. Once you stop starving, the body starts gaining back whatever it has shed.
Calorie Intake Starts Dipping When You Start Starving
Suppose you choose to skip breakfast. Your last meal was 10-12 hours back. It means your body is deprived of food for a long time. Over time, the calorie intake starts dipping and the metabolism gets confused.
The body starts storing fat as it feels it might not get much food later. There will be a time, when despite starving, you do not lose body fat but instead feel weak.
Now, if you think about short term goals and ask ‘What if I starve for 6-7 days? Will that help to lose belly fat even a bit’?
Yes, initially you might see a significant difference. In the first 5 days, you might lose 1-2 kg, but that is not your fat loss. It is the weight loss that is happening due to electrolyte imbalance or dehydration.
Remember, even if you stop eating completely, it won’t shrink your stomach.
MYTH: Starving shrinks your stomach and reduces your belly
FACT: Once you are an adult, your stomach size remains the same and does not shrink unless you do a surgery.
So, now – What to do to lose belly fat?
Now, when you trying to lose weight – first understand –
What Causes Belly Fat
- Eating more than required
- Having too much junk food
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- No exercise
Does eating rice cause belly fat?
No, it doesn’t. Belly fat is usually caused by excessive weight gain and sedentary lifestyle. Hence, experts believe that changes in lifestyle and a bit of exercise can help in reducing belly fat.
( Rice can cause belly fat?)
How serious is belly fat?
Many people have a lot of belly fat but show no concerns. But, if belly fat is something that you are tackling now, you need to act now. Belly fat surrounds many internal organs and the person is at risk to many health conditions that include cardiovascular and liver problems.
Now let’s understand simply how to reduce belly fat without starving.
Don’t Stress – Life isn’t a bed of roses for anyone. So, don’t stress because that ‘overthinking’ you indulge in is responsible for the stress you have.
Limit your Alcohol – You must reduce your drinking habits because it is responsible for that fat you have around your belly.
Get Rid of Sugar From your Diet – Cut out all those sugary treats from your diet – sweets, candies, cold drinks, sodas, pastries, cookies. High sugar consumption is one of the primary reasons for belly fat.
Have More Protein – Include more of nuts, legumes, whole eggs, dairy products, fish and nuts in your diet.
Low Carb Diet can be Helpful – You can reduce your carb intake to as low as 50 grams in a day. It can help.
Include Moderate Exercises – You do not have to join the gym and go for rigorous training. Just walk 30 minutes in a day. It will be helpful.
Keep Portion Sizes Small – You have to reduce portion sizes. Instead of having a heavy meal at one go, why not have small portions of the same meal throughout the day.
Keep Moving – If you do not want to exercise, you need not. But you can introduce small changes in your life. For example, climb stairs, walk 15 minutes twice a day, as you spend time on your mobile phone, keep moving, and so on.
Drink Lots of Water – Water has amazing benefits. It helps to flush away toxins from the body and keeps the energy level high. It also helps in weight loss.
Say No to Processed Foods – If you wish to have that slim waistline and that flat tummy, you have to say NO to processed foods.
Frequently Asked Questions on How to Lose Belly Fat Fast without Exercise
Is it easy to lose belly fat?
Belly fat is said to be active fat. It lies dormant. It is one of the most difficult areas to lose fat. You have to be consistent and honest with your exercise routine and diet plan.
What eats belly fat?
There are a few things that are known to help reduce belly fat. Include yogurt, green tea, bananas, avocado, citrus fruit, and berries in your diet that can help in reducing belly fat. But, you have to be active and cut down your fat portions.
Can Warm Lemon Water Help to reduce belly fat?
Yes, it will help in reducing belly fat, but you will HAVE to combine it with a diet plan and 30 minutes of walking daily. If you drink lemon water only and do not follow a diet or exercise, it will just be good for your general health.
What Drinks help to Lose Belly Fat?
You can try a few detox drinks that can help you to lose belly fat without starving.
- Vegetable juice
- Beetroot juice
- Celery Juice
- Carrot juice
- Fennel Water
- Ginger
Hot Water – Does it help?
Yes, if you take it at the right temperature, right quantity and at the right time.
What Burns The Most Stomach Fat?
Exercise! You do not have to spend hours in the gym. Just walk for 60 minutes a day, at least 3 days a week along with a healthy diet. This will help.
Can Belly Fat Be Reduced in 7 Days?
Unfortunately, NO. However, since every human is different, you can start with an efficient diet strategy and combine it with exercises. However, there is no magical formula to reduce your belly fat in 7 days.
Can Walking Help Burn Belly Fat?
Yes, it is found to be the most effective way to lose weight. However, it is necessary to plan it well. If you are a beginner, start with walking 30 minutes a day – brisk walking is needed. You can then increase the duration and keep the pace fast. You HAVE to be regular.
So How Many Steps a Day Helps to Lose Belly Fat?
If you want to lose belly fat through walking, try to walk 10000 steps daily. There are many people who love to increase these number of steps as well.
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