Will AI Content be Indexed by Google or Will It be Treated As Spam

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked both curiosity and concern regarding its impact on content creation. In this article, we delve into what Google has to say about AI-generated content, exploring its stance, guidelines, and implications for content creators.

Understanding Google’s View on AI-Generated Content

Google acknowledges the potential of AI in revolutionizing content creation, providing opportunities for efficiency, scalability, and personalization. While AI-generated content has gained attention, Google emphasizes the importance of maintaining high-quality standards, user value, and ethical considerations. According to Google, AI-generated content must align with their existing guidelines and best practices.

Quality over Quantity: Google’s Stance:

Google emphasizes that the focus should always be on delivering valuable and engaging content to users. While AI can assist in content creation, it should never compromise the quality of the final output. Google’s algorithms assess content based on relevance, usefulness, and user satisfaction. Thus, content creators must ensure that AI-generated content meets these criteria, providing genuine value to their target audience.

Ethics and Transparency: A Crucial Aspect:

Google places significant emphasis on ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated content. Transparency is vital in disclosing AI involvement to users. Clear labeling helps users understand the origin of the content and build trust. Disclosing AI assistance can also prevent potential misuse or manipulation of information, promoting transparency in the digital sphere.

Complementing Human Expertise with AI:

Google recognizes the potential of AI as a valuable tool for content creators, enabling them to streamline processes and focus on more creative aspects.

Human expertise remains essential in crafting compelling narratives, engaging storytelling, and providing the unique touch that resonates with readers. AI can augment human efforts by suggesting data-driven insights, optimizing content structure, or generating initial drafts, but the human touch is irreplaceable.

Content Guidelines for AI-Generated Content:

Google encourages content creators using AI to follow their existing guidelines for high-quality content. These guidelines encompass factors like relevance, accuracy, originality, and user experience. Creators should prioritize creating content that aligns with the search intent and fulfills user needs.

Proper structuring, formatting, and optimization for readability and accessibility are also crucial. Regular evaluation and monitoring of AI-generated content is essential to maintain quality and compliance with Google’s guidelines.

The Future Landscape of AI-Generated Content:

AI-generated content is poised to reshape the content creation landscape, enabling content creators to become more efficient, creative, and responsive to user demands. Google continues to explore the potential applications of AI in content generation while keeping a close eye on ethical considerations. As AI technologies advance, the collaboration between human expertise and AI capabilities will likely play an increasingly vital role in producing high-quality, engaging, and valuable content for users.

In Other words…

Google recognizes the potential of AI-generated content while maintaining a strong focus on quality, ethics, and user satisfaction. Content creators should embrace AI as a valuable tool while upholding Google’s content guidelines.

The future of AI-generated content promises an exciting evolution, where human ingenuity and AI assistance work hand in hand to create a digital landscape that benefits both creators and users alike.

So, what can content writers do in such a situation? Use AI to generate content or?

Yes, AI can be used for generating content, but it shouldn’t be copied as it is. Writers have to make edits and give it a human touch so that it becomes unique and doesn’t read like its robotic.

So, how does this human touch work?

Giving human touch implies editing the article so that it reads well and doesn’t read like machine generated.

Many writers say that AI content doesn’t read well and is clearly understood because it follows a certain structure and tone. It is important to edit it. This is why it becomes necessary to humanize AI generated content.

Let’s understand this a bit more.

Why do We Need to Humanize AI-generated Content?

Until a few years ago, the term “Artificial Intelligence” was heard only in specific contexts of some industries.  However, AI has revolutionised not only heavy-duty industries but has entered the content creation space as well. Right now, they are capable of generating efficient content, reducing much of the time and effort required by humans.

With AI-written content entering almost every field of content creation and marketing, the biggest question now asked is – Should we humanize AI-written content or not?

Let’s look at some of the major reasons why AI-generated content should be humanised.

Must Read: How to Use AI Smartly

Meeting User Demand

Any piece of content written should always be for readers and not the search engine. It makes no sense to rank content on the first page which doesn’t satisfy readers. The ranking will automatically be lost after a few days.

Secondly, when a user searches for a particular topic on the net, he or she is looking for authentic information written by a human expert, rather than computer-generated random thoughts about a topic. Failure to do this can increase the bounce rate for content pieces.

As a result, humanizing AI content will contain human inputs from the writer. This also helps in identifying key areas which are missing in the content, which will make it easier to improve the content.

AI Tools Aren’t Fool-Proof

While it’s true that a myriad of AI tools have been launched in the market with a variety of tools, there are still some information gaps in the content they produce. This mostly happens when the user misses some points while giving the context and other prompts for generating the content.

This is where humanising the content makes sense. AI tools are also unable to judge if the information is 100% authentic or not all the time. All of these will be addressed and improved when a content writer goes over the information and audits it.

Making it more SEO friendly

When using AI-written content for organic ranking on a search engine, chances are the content won’t rank well. Even with paid marketing, AI-generated content won’t perform well.  To get the best out of the organic ranking, the rules and policies of search engines have to be obeyed.

Unfortunately, AI-based writing tools haven’t evolved to the point that they can comprehend these rules. While some tools can optimise content for search engines, there are still major gaps in their knowledge. Humanising AI content provides a way to overcome these issues.

Achieving Better Conversions

In case one is blogging for a business or writing business emails, the conversion factor has to be kept in mind in addition to ranking.  This means it’s crucial to perform conversion rate optimisation. The problem is, relying completely on artificial intelligence-generated won’t get good conversions.

AI-generated content can miss the emotions required for better conversion rates. Humanising means adding emotion to the write-up and content. The content created as a result will seamlessly connect with the audience on an emotional level depending on the skills of the writer.

AI tools are supposed to act as helpers rather than replace human-generated content. They aren’t supposed to be used to generate entire content as it will always require some expert human input.

As more and more information about tools such as ChatGPT comes to the forefront, the need for humanized content will always be a top priority.

In other words, when content writers use AI content, they have to be responsible. It should never be about copying or pasting content. It is not going to work in the long run.

5 Responsible Ways to Use AI for Developing Content

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has forever changed several industries around us, and content development is no exception.

AI-powered tools and algorithms have been assisting write and marketers in various aspects of content creation, from generating ideas to optimizing for search engines. However, it’s essential to use AI responsibly and ethically to maintain the quality and integrity of content.

Here are five ways to responsibly develop content using AI.

Taking a Collaborative Approach: Augmenting Human Creativity

Experts see AI as a tool to augment human creativity rather than something that replaces it. While AI can automate certain tasks, such as generating topic ideas or proofreading for grammar errors, human creativity and critical thinking are still invaluable in crafting compelling and original content.

Embrace AI as a collaborative partner that enhances your skills and frees up time for more creative endeavours.

By Training AI Models with High-Quality Data

To ensure responsible content development, AI models need to be trained on high-quality data. Garbage in, garbage out—this principle applies to AI as well.

Providing accurate, diverse, and reliable data to train AI models is crucial for generating useful and trustworthy content. Avoid biased or unverified data sources that could lead to misleading or harmful content.

With Ethical Use of AI-generated Content

AI can generate content quickly and in large volumes, but it’s important to use AI-generated content ethically. While AI can assist in creating drafts or generating product descriptions, human oversight and editing are necessary to ensure accuracy, readability, and compliance with ethical guidelines.

Don’t publish AI-generated content without proper review and editing.

Based on Transparency and Disclosure

When AI is involved in content development, transparency is vital. If AI tools or algorithms are used to assist in content creation or curation, it’s important to disclose this to the audience.

Clearly communicate the role of AI in the content development process, ensuring that readers understand the extent to which AI has been utilized. This transparency builds trust and allows readers to make informed judgments about the content.

Irreplaceable Human Touch and Expertise

While AI can streamline content creation processes, it’s crucial to maintain a human touch and expertise. AI may excel in data analysis and pattern recognition, but it lacks the intuition, empathy, and creativity that humans bring to the table.

Incorporate your unique perspective, insights, and experiences into the content, ensuring that it resonates with your target audience on a deeper level. Use AI as a tool to support and enhance your human expertise, not as a substitute for it.


Responsible content development requires a balance between leveraging AI capabilities and preserving the authenticity and quality of content. As AI continues to advance, it’s essential to stay informed about emerging technologies and ethical guidelines. Regularly update your knowledge and skills to adapt to new AI-driven content development practices.

Remember, responsible AI usage in content development not only benefits your audience but also helps maintain the integrity and value of your brand. Embrace AI as a valuable tool, wield it responsibly, and let it amplify your content creation efforts.



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