What Tension Headache Feels Like and How to Manage It?

Headaches are often a part of our lives but if they are disrupting your normal life and happening too frequently, a visit to the Doctor is a must. When we are stressed out we often have a headache which is commonly called tension headache. Tension headache feels like aching and dull head pain. The neck, scalp, and shoulder muscles feel tension. There is a sense of tightness across the forehead.

Is this serious?
Tension headaches are quite common and can be in the form of mild and dull pain around the neck, face or head. These are usually not serious unless accompanied by nausea, vomiting or other symptoms.

Causes of Tension Headache Everyday?

This headache occurs when the scalp and neck muscles contract and become tense. These muscles contract as a response to anxiety, head injuries, stress and depression.

  • Eye problems such as excessive mobile usage and eye strain
  • Too much screen time.
  • If you have been talking a lot, talking loud and angry can still cause tension headache.
  • Smoking Too Much
  • Tiredness and Fatigue
  • Too much consumption of coffee and alcohol.
  • Emotional or physical stress
  • Anxiety and Overthinking
  • Sinus Infection, flu, bad cold.

Will it go away on its own?

If you are experiencing a tension headaches, you don’t have to over-worry because it will aggravate it. Yes, with a little rest and relaxation, it will go away on its own.

What if it doesn’t go?

If it doesn’t go away on its own and it has been quite a few days you are suffering, you can always visit your Doctor and get yourself diagnosed.

When should I start worrying?

Well, if your headache is disrupting your normal life, it is causing dizziness, nausea, vomiting, palpitations and any other concerning symptoms, you should always visit your doctor.

Getting Rid of Tension Headache

All you need is a healthy lifestyle and you won’t have tension headaches.

Eat Healthy and On Time:

  • Include fresh green leafy vegetables and plenty of fresh fruits in your diet.
  • Avoid sugary treats, drinks and artificial sweeteners
  • Never skip your breakfast. Your breakfast should be the heaviest meal of your day.
  • Have dinner on time.
  • Do not munch too much snacks.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Change Your Sleep Habits:

Most tension headaches are caused by stress and anxiety. They get aggravated because of poor sleep patterns and even lack of sleep.

  • Try to sleep at the same time daily.
  • Wake up at the same time, even on weekends.
  • Do not watch anything stressful before you sleep. Do not have coffee before you sleep.
  • If you do not fall asleep within 15 mins of hitting the bed, get up and read something.
  • Stop smoking immediately.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety:

This is the biggest challenge for most people.

Know What’s Causing Stress:

You cannot manage stress unless you know the triggers. So, the first step is to find what makes you stressed. Is it a personal issue, is it a specific situation or is it work related? No matter what the situation is, you have to find ways to reduce stress.

Try To Relax:

You have to relax your mind. What helps you to relax? Is it meditation, yoga, deep breathing, music or anything else?


Do you know that exercising keeps you physically and mentally fit? Any kind of physical activity releases endorphins, which is a natural mood booster.

What kind of exercise?

  1. Brisk walking for 30 minutes a day.
  2. Stretching is an effective way to release tension.
  3. Try swimming if you can.
  4. Try cycling.
  5. If you can join a gym, nothing can be better.

Time Management:

  1. Organize your tasks.
  2. Arrange them priority-wise. This will prevent you from missing deadlines.
  3. If there are large tasks, break them into smaller ones.
  4. Your deadlines can be realistic.

Drink Plenty of Water:

Did you know that people have tension headaches because they are dehydrated? Yes, it happens.

Drink at least 12 glasses of water a day because hydration will help in keeping your muscles active and energetic.

Stop Overthinking:

It is said that overthinking has become quite like an epidemic for the current generation. People are multitasking and worrying. There is always competition to excel and exceed which isn’t always healthy and takes a toll on the mind and body.

People set unrealistic goals and dreams that are difficult to achieve. However, in their quest to achieve these goals, they indulge in overthinking and excessive worrying.

This overthinking and worrying takes a toll on the mind and causes health concerns.

Are There Any Drinks That Can Help You Feel Better

Of course, there are.

In fact, most people get immediate relief as they enjoy a homemade drink and by relaxing. You HAVE TO reduce the stress you are facing.

Homemade Drinks That Can Help Reduce Symptoms of Tension Headache

You can prepare these easily in 5 minutes. You are definitely going to feel a lot better.

Herbal Teas:

Known for its excellent calming properties, a cup of fresh herbal tea can help to relax tense muscles and relieve headaches. Chamomile tea and peppermint tea are known for their soothing effects.

Ginger Tea:

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce headache pain. You can make ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger slices in hot water.

Green Tea:
Green tea helps our bodies in many ways. It is rich in antioxidants and a moderate amount of caffeine, which may provide mild pain relief and relaxation.

Lemon Water:
Nothing can be refreshing as a glass of fresh lemon water. Adding fresh lemon to your water can enhance the taste and provide a refreshing and hydrating drink. You can have 2-3 glasses of lemon water daily to stay hydrated as well.

Warm Milk:
Milk is one of the best drinks you can have. Warm milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that can promote relaxation and improve sleep, which may be helpful for tension headaches related to stress and tension.

Cherry Juice:
You will need fresh jerries for the drink. Tart cherry juice is rich in antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially providing relief for headache pain.

Coconut Water:
If coconuts are available in your location, you are really lucky. Coconut water is not only hydrating but also contains electrolytes, which can be beneficial for headaches caused by dehydration. However, you shouldn’t have plenty of coconut water at a time, but consume it in small quantities over time.

Don’t worry, if nothing is available, just have regular tea we prepare and trust me, you are going to feel better.

I understand that when we are sick, preparing coffee too seems to be a big task.

What Can You Prepare to Eat ( Lunch, Dinner, Snacks) When you Have Tension Headache?

Of course, you wouldn’t be in the mood to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

If you are experiencing tension headaches, you need to have foods that are easy to digest, hydrating, and contain nutrients that may help reduce inflammation and promote relaxation. People tend to suffer from digestive problems and acid reflux as well especially when stressed and in anxiety.

Here are some meal options that are easy to prepare and headache friendly.


Tension headaches will not make you extremely sick but can be uncomfortable.

A bowl of fresh soup will certainly make you hydrated, full and happy. Light, vegetable-based soups can be soothing and hydrating. Avoid heavy creams or overly spicy ingredients that might trigger headaches in some individuals.


As you rest and get bored just munch on a cup of salad. Get the nutrition, stay full and feel better.

Fresh, green salads with a mix of leafy greens, cucumber, tomatoes, and other colourful vegetables can provide essential nutrients without overloading your digestive system.


Who doesn’t like smoothies?

Tasty, easy to prepare and can be made from the choice of your fruit. So, just grab a glass of smoothie, and enjoy it.

Blend together fruits like berries, bananas, and spinach with almond milk or coconut water to create a hydrating and nutritious smoothie.


This is especially recommended if you get up with a bad headache. Oatmeal can be a savior.

A warm bowl of oatmeal made with water or plant-based milk can be easy on the stomach and provide sustained energy.

Grilled Chicken or Fish:

I know people who cannot imagine any meal without chicken or fish.

You wouldn’t want oily and spicy food when you have a headache. You need something that is easy to prepare and digest as well. So, opt for grilled chicken or fish like salmon, which contains omega-3 fatty acids that may have anti-inflammatory effects.

Brown Rice or Quinoa:

These whole grains are gentle on the stomach and provide a good source of carbohydrates for energy. Have a bowl of brown rice and drink water. It will be filling and easy to digest.

Steamed Vegetables:

Having green leafy and fresh vegetables is always good for your health. When you have a headache, you wouldn’t want to eat something fancy. So, lightly steamed vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and zucchini can be easy to digest and offer essential vitamins and minerals. Add a dash of butter or olive oil if you feel like it.

In fact, you can have a mix of your favorite foods – the idea is to have anything that makes you happy, can be quickly prepared and keeps you full.

Related: Which Food is Best for Weaknesses

People Also Ask:

What does tension headache feel like?

How do I know if it is tension headache?

This is usually a dull pain and doesn’t cause any kind of nausea or sensitivity to light. It is a steady headache and not a throbbing one. It tends to occur on both sides of the head.

Where is tension headache pain located?

It feels like a tight band around the head and worse at the back of the neck, temples and scalp. It is also felt in the shoulders.

How long do tension headaches last?

These can last for 30 minutes to 1 hour. If the tension or stress isn’t reduced, it can also last for many days.

How do you relieve tension headaches?

A tension headache can be managed by rest. A hot shower can also help to reduce this headache.

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