What Can I Do To Overcome Heartbreak

If you were in a serious relationship, heartbreak will be painful. For everyone it is – but you have to overcome it. People often wonder, what they can do to overcome heartbreak. Do nothing, time is the best healer. Give yourself time to get over it. Don’t rush to forget things. Take time to grieve and then think about what you can do.

Heartbreak is painful and it takes a toll on the body as well. Stress level increases, there is anxiety and a sense of heaviness and there is complete sorrow in life. First, make yourself understand that this is normal and what you are facing will eventually be a phase in your life.

The Hardest Stage of Heartbreak:

Truly, it’s the realization of the fact that the future you had dreamt of with your ex is now dead. It is the feeling that hits every couple the hardest (if they were in love).

If you have tears in your eyes thinking about this, it is absolutely normal. It is Ok, do not control your tears – grieve for the future that you have lost.

But how long does heartbreak last?

Everyone is different – for some it can be a month, for others it can be 3-4 months and for many others it can be months or even years. However, it’s true that effort should be made to feel better and slowly come out of the phase.

Know the Three Month Rule After Breakup

Many people believe that after a break-both individuals should give each other at least three months to heal. Wait for these 3 months, think what went wrong in the relationship, if you wish to mourn, you can and then enter the dating life again. It is all about giving yourself time and realize that it is time to move on.

Know the Five Stages After a Heartbreak:

Denial – This is the stage when most people are not able to believe that they are going through a breakup. They deny it. They feel their strong bonding cannot be so weak. This phase can be of a week or more.

Anger – This is the time when people are angry and sad. Angry about failing to meet each other’s expectations. They are angry for choosing the wrong individual or being in the wrong relation.

Bargaining – This is the stage when people start thinking about what went wrong and who is wrong. Various incidents and situations are analysis. There is a big bargain to prove who is right and who is wrong.

Depression – This is the hardest time when there is immense sadness. A depression sets in because this is when people realize that it is truth.

Acceptance – This is the last stage when people accept the fact that it’s time to move on. No use crying and being depressed doesn’t help.

Getting Over a Heartbreak – Give your Ex a Glimpse of the Other Side of You

Once there is acceptance, comes the stage when people realize that they have to overcome this heartbreak stage. They start looking for ways to overcome this anxiety.

Let’s check some of the things that can be done:

Block your Ex on Social Media:

If you want to heal your heart, you have to block your Ex on social media. If you follow your Ex, you will not get mental peace.

The best way is to completely be out of touch.

You do not have to know what the other person is doing. If you find your Ex-girlfriend partying, will that make you happy?

And why would you want to take note of what the other person is doing, if he or she doesn’t matter in life?

If you find it difficult to stay away from stalking the account, you can take a break from social media. It will help you.

Stay Busy:

Do not sit idle and grieve! You have to keep yourself busy. It is definitely an emotional roller coaster for you, so you have to make the most of your time.

How will you stay busy?

Start a hobby. Travel to somewhere you love. You can go outdoors and spend time amidst nature. Start gardening, watch movies, write a story, and watch web stories. Do anything that keeps your mind busy and occupied.

Concentrate on yourself and your Focus:

Never get stressed about what the other one is thinking about it. Do not think what is wrong and what was right in the relation. If you choose to focus on the other person, you will be going deep into the sorrow.

So, think about yourself!

Give time to know yourself. If you have any interest, pursue that. Love to play games, start playing. Read good book, read motivational stories, watch some web-series and think about your life ahead.

Spend Time with your Family and Friends:

All of us have friends and family. Spend time with people who care for you. Our family and friends are our biggest support system.

Unfortunately these are the people we tend to avoid when we are in a relationship.

Start Planning your Life:

Start about planning your life again. If you have a job already, focus on it. You can learn new skills and take up a new course.

If you are studying, start making new plans for your career which you were not making.

Planning for life doesn’t mean you will have to find someone to fall in love it. It means adding value to your life, doing new things and staying motivated.

Take Things Positively:

Breakup doesn’t mean everything is finished.

It isn’t – you just chose to walk out of a relationship that wouldn’t work in future. So, be positive.

Do not lose faith in relationship or in love.

Give yourself some time and give your heart some time to heal as well. You are not going to regret.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does Heartbreak last forever?

No, it doesn’t. Life moves on and you will soon get used to the absence of your ex. It is normal. That’s how it works for everyone and that’s how people move on.

What is the 21 day rule breakup?

It is giving your relationship 21 days after that bad fight. For these 21 days you should keep no contact with your ex and see how it works or how it feels. It is all about feeling a bit better after 21 days, but remember it will not work for everyone.

Can Heartbreak change a person?

Yes, it can be a life changing even. It can lead to sleep disorders, social anxiety, change in eating habits, reduced level of motivation, depression, anxiety and sadness.

Why is silence so powerful after breakup?

Staying silence helps in building strength of the mind. It helps in staying control and helps the person to start living without the partner.

What not to do after a breakup?

You shouldn’t beg your ex for one more chance. Also, you should value the relationship and the good times spent today. Never reveal secrets that you once shared.



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