Top FREE AI Content Writing Tools For Students

Writing content is a challenging and time-consuming task, especially if you want to create high-quality and engaging content for your audience. You need to research, plan, write, edit, and optimize your content for SEO and readability. But what if you could use artificial intelligence (AI) to help you with some of these tasks? This is where AI content writing tools are making an impact.

In this blog post, we will share the top 6 AI content writing tools for writers and content creators in 2023. So let’s begin.

What are AI content-writing tools?

ChatGPT,, Jarvis, and Writesonic are all online platforms that use natural language generation (NLG) to produce text based on your input. NLG is a branch of AI that uses deep learning models to generate natural-sounding text from data or keywords. These tools can help you write anything from headlines, slogans, and descriptions to blog posts, stories, and scripts.

How do they work?

All such tools work in a similar way: you provide some input, such as a topic, a keyword, a sentence, or a question, and the tool generates one or more output options for you to choose from or edit. You can also tweak the settings of each tool to adjust the tone, style, length, and format of the output. For example, you can make the output more creative, professional, casual, or formal.

Now let’s get into the best tools for you:


This is the most versatile and flexible tool that can generate any type of text in any language. It can also communicate fluently with the user and provide additional information or assistance if needed. However, ChatGPT is also the most experimental and unpredictable tool, which may produce inaccurate or inappropriate results sometimes.

Must Read: Should I Use ChatGPT for essays?

This is the most user-friendly and intuitive tool that has a simple and sleek interface. It also has a large collection of templates and prompts for different types of content. However, is also the most limited and generic tool and may not be able to handle complex or niche topics very well.


It’s the most advanced and intelligent tool that uses the state-of-the-art GPT-3 model to generate high-quality and relevant text. It also has a powerful editor and browser extension that allow you to write and edit content directly on any website or platform. However, Jarvis is also the most expensive and exclusive tool that requires an invitation and a subscription to access.


This is the most specialized and focused tool that is designed for marketing and sales content. It also has a smart dashboard and analytics that help you track and measure the performance of your content. However, writing is also the most repetitive and formulaic tool that may not be able to capture your unique voice or style very well.

What are the benefits of using them?

  • They can save you time and effort by generating content for you in seconds.
  • They can help you overcome writer’s block by breaking the blank page syndrome.
  • They can spark your creativity by giving you new ideas and perspectives on your topic.
  • They can help you optimize your content for SEO by suggesting relevant keywords and phrases.
  • They can improve your writing skills by showing you different ways of expressing your message.

As a student writer and/or a content creator, you know how challenging it can be to produce engaging and original content regularly. Whether you are writing blog posts, social media captions, newsletters, or ebooks, you need to have a clear and consistent voice that resonates with your audience. But sometimes, you may run out of ideas, struggle with writer’s block, or lack the time and energy to write.

That’s where the aforementioned tools come in. These are some popular and powerful writing tools that use artificial intelligence (AI) to help you create content faster and easier.

Don’t USE AI content without Editing it or Refining It

If you are a student and using AI content tools for your studies or assignments, I would suggest to edit it heavily and not use it as it is.

Why would you?

At least when you choose to edit it, you will be going through the article and increasing your knowledge. I have seen students completing their assignments overnight without even having a clue about what they are writing about. Isn’t that cheating?

If you are a professional, you need to do justice to your work. No one knows the fate of AI content in the next few years. If you are running your business and planning to save a LOT of money by using AI content tools, think about it again.

In the long run will it help you?

AI Content Tools Offer Several Benefits

But before you choose to use them without edits think about the following:

There might Be Quality and Coherence Problems:

AI models can sometimes generate content that is verbose, repetitive, or lacks coherence. Editing is necessary to ensure the text is clear and flows logically. There might be situations when it is suggesting something different which needs to be addressed.

I have seen ChatGPT generate same kind of content for a question on Quora. In fact, if you can check Quora answers, you will easily understand that the content is created by ChatGPT because it is so similar.

Yes, There Might Be Grammar Issues:

AI models can make mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and syntax. Editing helps correct these errors and improves the overall quality of the content. You might want to change a few sentences here and there to change its tone and quality.

Consistency is Often a Problem:

AI models may produce content that contradicts itself or lacks consistency in tone and style. Sometimes, it creates articles and text in the same format which means there is a big chance that it can duplicate itself. Editing ensures the content is coherent and aligns with the desired message.

Factual Accuracy Is Not Guaranteed:

This is a major problem faced by AI users.

They are not sure that the facts they are using is accurate or reliable.

AI-generated content is based on patterns learned from data and may not always be accurate, especially when dealing with rapidly changing information or niche topics. Thus, editors are necessary to fact-check and correct inaccuracies. Thus, there is always a need to fact check information and content generated by AI cannot be used directly.

The Tone Might Not Match:

Humans do not have the tone of a machine and vice versa. Depending on the training data, AI models might not capture the appropriate tone or voice required for the content. Any editor can work on the content and fine-tune the tone to match the intended audience.

Copyrighted Material:

This is one of the biggest concerns because there is no guarantee that AI will NOT return duplicate content. AI-generated content may unintentionally replicate copyrighted material. With human intervention, it is possible to detect and rewrite such sections to avoid legal issues.

Experts believe that though there are many AI writing tools, humans shouldn’t use them fully without making edits.

People Also Ask about AI Writing Tools

What is an AI Writing Assistant?

These are specially designed tools that are programmed to assist users write an article/blog/academic paper. They can don excellent research, have flawless grammar and writing ability. However, facts and certain details might not always be accurate as they utilize machine learning.

Is AI Writing Assistant FREE?

Yes, there are many AI writing assistants that are FREE but they do have some limitations. For instance, Rytr is an AI Writing assistant that is available for Free. However, as users scale they can upgrade.

How to make money by writing AI?

You can write and monetize AI articles on different platforms. Writing assistants like Jasper and ChatGpt can be used to create high-quality articles. However, a little human touch becomes necessary. Writers can complete a lot more freelancing tasks when they use writing assistants as the tasks get completed faster and are without errors.

Does Google Detect AI Writing?

Yes, Google can easily detect AI writing with different signals that include syntax, grammar and text structure.

Is AI-written content bad for SEO?

Well, if you are using AI content as it is without editing or reviewing it, it might affect rankings and also contradict page quality guidelines. It will not offer a nice user experience. Hence, if AI content is used for SEO, it should be edited and refined so that it offers a great user experience.

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