Side effects of Using Earphones for Long Time

Side effects of Using Earphones for Long Time – have you ever wondered what your ears go through when you have earphones stuffed in them for long?

Side effects of Using Earphones for Long TimeTechnology has become one of the most necessary evils of our times. One such evil that we currently use is an earphone. They are extensively used during some of the most mundane activities of our lives, ranging from an early morning jog, traversing the street, using a metro, taking the bus, to even taking a call.

However, using your earphones for extended periods of time can prove to be costly to your health.

How does extended earphone usage damage hearing?

So, let us understand the Side effects of Using Earphones for Long Time.

When using earphones, they produce sound waves that reach our ears, which vibrate the eardrum. The inner ear receives these vibrations via the small bones. The vibration is then transferred to the cochlea which is filled with a fluid and consists of small hair fibers. Louder sounds produce more vibrations which can make the hair move more.

However, when our ears are exposed to constant loud music through earphones, the hair cells tend to lose their sensitivity to vibration. Worst still, loud music can also bend or fold the cells which can lead to temporary hearing loss. Extreme vibrations are something which may or may not damage these hair cells permanently.

Read: Tips to improve ear health in children

Side Effects of Using Earphones for a Long Time

Some of the major side effects of using earphones extensively include the following.

NIHL: NIHL or noise-induced hearing loss can be caused both by the volume and the duration of noise that your ears are exposed to.

Brain effect: Headphones and earphones produce electromagnetic waves which can result in problems for the brain in the long term. The insulation from nerve fibers gets removed by high-decibel noise levels.

General pain in the ear: Using poorly-fitted earphones too much can induce pain which can extend to the inner ear as well. This can lead to soreness in the vicinity of the ear, ranging from the jaw to the top of the head.

Common ear infections: Earphones are directly placed into the ear canal. However, this blocks the passage of air which can lead to infections. Regularly using earphones can also lead to the growth of bacteria, which can stay on the surface of the earphones.  Sharing earphones can transfer dangerous bacteria from one person’s ear to another.

Dizziness: Loud noise can produce increased pressure on the ear canal, which can result in dizziness.

Tinnitus and Hyperacusis: Extended earphone usage can damage hair cells in the cochlea. This condition can result in a roaring, buzzing or ringing noise in the ear or head. This repeated electrical noise is called Tinnitus. More than half of the people who suffer from this condition tend to develop high levels of sensitivity to sounds in a normal setting. This condition is known as Hyperacusis.

Tips to prevent hearing damage from earphones.

When using earphones, the first rule should be to keep volumes at a safe level. You should take steps to reduce exposure to loud noise, both in terms of volume and duration. You can also get noise-cancelling headphones or use over-the-ear models to protect the eardrums from direct sound vibrations.

Headphones and earphones should also be regularly sanitized to prevent bacteria, sweat and dead skin from building up.

Lastly, people should refrain from using earphones in public areas, as using them in noisy public transport adds to the decibel level.

The dangers associated with extended earphone usage are not something everyone talks about. They can be dangerous as they are capable of producing loud levels of sound directly into the ears. It is generally recommended to see a hearing clinic or talk to an audiologist if you are experiencing problems due to ear and headphones.


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