Should You Wet Dry Dog Food – What is Better for your Dog?

If you have a dog, you know how easy and convenient it is to feed dry food to your dog. Dogs seem to love dry food as well. However, the question remains if dogs should be fed dry food only or dog food should be wet. Dogs can live on dry food but wet food is found to be palatable and nutritious as well. So, it is recommended to feed your dog a mix of dry and wet food. So, you can wet dry dog food and your dog will enjoy it equally well.

For long before the availability of packaged wet food for dogs, dry dog food was the only option available for dog owners. Even now millions of dogs have dry food and are healthy, happy and active.

However, many pet owners feel the need to wet dry dog food or feed their dogs wet food only. Vets mention that wet food has a lot more flavor and is quite like meat or meat by-products. So, obviously dogs will love them.

Is dry or wet food better for dogs?

Vets suggest for convenience and better hydration, better satiety and palatability it is always good to wet dry dog food. So, if you have been feeding dry food only and your dog is happy and healthy, you do not have to worry about changing.

But why do people think about trying wet dog feed? Let’s check out –

Dry Dog Food


  • It is easy to feed.
  • Available easily – online and offline
  • Several brands are available.
  • There are formulas available for all life stages.
  • Feeding is simple – no mess caused.


  • Sometimes quality is poor.
  • Many brands do not offer optimum quality products leading to bloating.
  • Products are often recalled due to quality issues.
  • Now, here are some of the most common questions about ‘Should I wet dry dog food’?

Does Wetting Dog Food Prevent Bloating?

It doesn’t have to do anything with bloating. If your dog is gulping down quickly, it can cause bloating. You can soak your dry dog food in water and serve it in an anti-gulp bowl if you wish.

What liquid can I mix with dry dog food?

You can add simple warm water to wet dry dog food. It will be easy to digest and feed as well. You can also add yogurt to wet it and make it soft.

Can Adding Water to dry dog food cause bloat?

Bloating can be caused by any type of food. If you add water, it is LESS likely to cause bloating. To avoid bloating ensure that your dog doesn’t gulp down the food.

Is it Ok to put milk in dry dog food?

Milk is safe to use but in SMALL quantities. You can use small quantity of goat milk or cow milk to wet dry dog food. It can be a good reward for your dog.

How long to soak kibble in water

You can soak it for 10-15 minutes. It should soften it.

Can adding water to dry dog food cause diarrhoea?

If you do it correctly, it will not cause diarrhoea. Be careful about the water you use. You can use filtered water. Do not let the food sit long after you have soaked it.

Is it ok if my dog eats only wet food?

Yes, it is fine as you are feeding your dog good quality wet food and in the right quantity.

Do you add water to Royal Canin dog food?

You can soak it in warm water and for some minutes before feeding your dog.

Can I add water to pedigree dog food?

Yes, you can add water to soften it. But do not add boiling water.

Can I mix dry and wet food for my dog?

Yes, it’s a great way. Your dog is going to love it.

There are many dog owners who reveal that their dog wouldn’t eat anything unless something moist is added to dry dog food. If you are facing something like this, you can mix –

  • Warm water
  • Cottage cheese in small quantity
  • Canned Fish
  • Meat chunks
  • Peanut butter

Just see what your dog loves to eat and enjoys the most and feed your dog. No need to follow what others are doing because every pet is different.


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