Should I Feed Baby After Poop?

New moms are flooded with questions in mind.
They know they have to do things right for your little one, with no scope of risks. One of the many questions they have is –should I feed the baby after a poop? Experts say YES. There is no need to change your baby’s feed time.

But then another question pops up.
What’s the right time for pooping? Do babies poop before or after feeding?
Well, breastfeeding babies usually poop right after their feed. But this is not going to happen forever. This changes as the little one grows up.
If the poop is soft and not hard, there is nothing to worry. It is not constipation.

Now there are many babies who poop during feeding. What to do?
You should ideally let your baby poop first.
No, your baby won’t cry because your baby knows that it’s poop time. Once done, your baby can start feeding again.

The best solution?

In case you are worried and feeling worried, just follow your instinct. Every baby is different and so is their feeding and pooping method. So, just check what your baby wants and do it. No need to follow any routine or advice.

If the baby poops right after feeding, is he hungry again?

No, your baby might be crying but it doesn’t mean your baby is hungry. For babies, it is extremely common to poop after their feed and all babies do that. Nothing to worry about.

Some concerns that Mothers Share Include:

Baby poops immediately after eating solids?

This happens because babies have active gastrocolic reflexes. Due to this, there is bowel movement as they eat or right after they eat. This happens usually for 1-2 months after their birth. In the case of breastfed babies, this is quite normal.

My 1-Year-Old Baby Poops after every meal? Is it normal?

Yes, it is.
Your baby has a lot of milk which stimulates the digestive tract. This increases the urge to poo.

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