Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024 – Prime Minister Narendra Modi Talks

During the ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ program, a child asked PM Narendra Modi,

You are the Prime Minister of the country, and you have so much work. How do you manage to relieve your stress?”

Smiling, PM Modi responded with ease,

“I appreciate that you are aware of the pressure that comes with being the Prime Minister, as people often think, ‘What does he have to worry about? He has a helicopter and travels around.‘”

He went on to say,

“I face challenges, challenges will come, situations will improve, but waiting for them to improve, I don’t stay idle. I strategize to face every challenge. I have confidence within me, believing that no matter what happens, I have 1.4 billion fellow citizens with me. I have to move forward.”

PM Modi noted that every government in India has had to grapple with the crisis of poverty.

He shared his perspective, saying, “I explored the path. I thought that poverty will only be eradicated when the citizens of our country are empowered, when they become capable. When they have a home, when they receive education, only then will true poverty alleviation be achieved.”

Encouraging children and parents, PM Modi appealed for creating a ‘no-gadget zone’ during family meals.

Providing his own example, he mentioned that he uses the mobile phone sparingly, and very few people have seen him with a mobile in hand. He observed the common sight of people using mobile phones at the dining table and urged parents to establish gadget-free zones around dining areas.

He emphasized the importance of understanding and using technology judiciously, acknowledging that in today’s era, staying completely away from technology is not feasible, but it is crucial to comprehend its proper use.

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024, the seventh edition of the event, saw Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasize the importance of not viewing a child’s report card as a parent’s visiting card. He urged parents to avoid subjecting their children to undue pressure and encouraged students to compete with themselves rather than others.

2024 Pariksha Pe Charcha

In his address, PM Modi highlighted that the program was akin to an exam for him as well. He stressed the need for a balanced approach, cautioning against excessive pressure that could hamper a student’s capabilities. \

Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, present at the event, expressed the vision of making India a developed nation by 2047 under PM Modi’s leadership, describing ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ as a mass movement.

What Prime Minister Narendra Modi Said in ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’

Comparison Doesn’t Help

Negative comparisons and a “running commentary” from parents, teachers, or relatives can adversely impact a student’s mental well-being. Addressing such issues through heartfelt conversations is crucial for maintaining morale and confidence.

Teacher Student Relationship

The relationship between teachers and students should extend beyond the academic bond, fostering an environment where students feel comfortable discussing their tensions, problems, and insecurities with their teachers.

Sleep is Important

Maintaining a healthy mind requires a well-recharged body. Adequate sleep is essential, paralleling the importance of charging a mobile device for optimal functionality.

Practice builds confidence, analogous to swimming skills aiding navigation through deep waters. Focusing on personal growth and ignoring external comparisons is key to future success.

Setting small goals during preparation and gradually improving performance can alleviate self-imposed pressure on children, ensuring they are well-prepared before exams.

Clarity and decisiveness are essential to overcome confusion. Analyzing details and eliminating indecisiveness are crucial aspects of effective decision-making.

Excess of anything, including technology, is detrimental. Maintaining discretion and using technology positively is essential for balanced and healthy living. Rather than sowing seeds of competition, parents are urged to be inspirations for their children, fostering a supportive environment for personal growth and achievement.

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