Remote Work Benefits and Challenges – 5 Pros and Cons That Make A Strong Difference

The wider acceptance of the remote working mode would not have been at the same rate it serves in contemporary times until COVID-19 jumped into our lives with its strict social distancing directive principles. It is controversial if you prefer a remote working mode to be favourable for your work-life or if it is an … Read more

Is Email Marketing Still Relevant in 2024?

That is one question that keeps coming again and again. Digital marketing strategies keep evolving – something which is extremely necessary today might become obsolete tomorrow. In such a situation, how relevant is email marketing? The answer is Yes – it is still relevant and equally important in 2020. If you have a strong marketing … Read more

Researching Skills of Content Writer – How Much Time Should Content Writers Spend on Research

Lets, talk about the researching skills of a content writer. If this brings a smile to your face, you are reading the right article. I know, you fully understand what I mean πŸ™‚ Good quality articles and blogs need a lot of planning and plenty of research. Yes, so a content writer needs to have … Read more

Top 5 Content Writers Jobs

If you are thinking about a content writing career, you need to know about the the top content writers jobs. So, if you love to write, you need to try out content writing and its wide field of opportunities, for sure. A content writer is responsible for complete content, starting from drafting to proofreading and … Read more

What Skills Should I Learn For Digital Marketing – Soft Skills Only?

What Skills Should I Learn For Digital Marketing? There are many skills you need to learn for a successful career that include social media, content marketing, email marketing and SEO. In today’s fast-paced digital world, effective marketing goes beyond technical expertise and data analysis. While technical skills are essential, it is the soft skills that … Read more