Is it necessary to get married for women?

So, is marriage necessary for women – if you ask me, I would say ‘No’.

Those who know me will quickly say that because I am single at 40, I say it’s not necessary to get married. Because I did not get married, I am encouraging others not to get married.

Of course, it’s true and don’t you think it’s a valid reason? Don’t you think, being a woman, financially independent and unmarried at the age of 40, I am just the right person to say that no, it is not necessary to get married?

Till today, i.e 2024, I feel NO guilt about being unmarried. I am happy in my own way. I have a decent job, I have friends and a supportive family.

Ah, so, many say that it’s all positive – so it’s a cakewalk for me.

Maybe yes…maybe financial independence is a reason.

If I wasn’t earning, staying at home, not engaged in any profession, things wouldn’t be the same.

Yes true! No one can deny that.

So, is marriage a security for women – an assurance for food, clothing and shelter?

Sounds mean, disrespectful and uncomfortable – but that’s the truth and reality of life. Many women believe that marriage is all about security. There will be someone who will take care of their needs.

But why?

I somehow cannot relate to this thought process.

Why would someone else be responsible for my food, buy me clothes and give me shelter? Am I incapable?

Can’t I get myself food?

What is the use of my education, when I cannot be financially independent?

Well, these are the many things that can come to the mind of women who believe in self-independence.

Now, I do not mean to say that if you are financially independent, you do not need to marry. Not at all. 

Marriage shouldn’t be a compulsion.

Marriage is a beautiful thing, no doubt about it.

It’s a union of love, companionship, and shared dreams. But forcing it on someone takes away from that beauty.

Imagine being pushed into something as significant as marriage without feeling ready or willing—it wouldn’t feel right, would it?

Marriage should always be a choice made out of love and genuine desire, not because of societal pressure or expectations.

When two people come together willingly, it’s a celebration of their commitment to each other. It’s about cherishing each other’s company, supporting one another through thick and thin, and building a life together based on mutual respect and understanding.

Marriage isn’t an obligation

In many cultures, including India, there’s often an ingrained belief that marriage is the ultimate security for women, providing them with food, clothing, and shelter.

Unfortunately, this narrative is deeply entrenched in societal norms and often starts at a very young age. From childhood, girls are conditioned to believe that their primary goal should be to find a suitable partner and settle down.

It’s not the only path to fulfilment

However, it’s crucial to challenge this mindset and recognize that marriage isn’t the only path to security and fulfilment. While it may provide certain benefits, such as shared responsibilities and emotional support, it’s not the sole avenue to a stable and happy life.

In India, especially, there’s a growing movement encouraging women to pursue education, careers, and financial independence. Women are breaking free from traditional roles and forging their paths. This shift in mindset is empowering and opens up a world of possibilities beyond the confines of marriage.

By prioritizing education and career advancement, women can gain not only financial independence but also a sense of self-worth and fulfilment. They can build a life on their own terms, free from the constraints of societal expectations.

It’s essential to instil in young girls the idea that they have options and that their worth isn’t tied to their marital status. By promoting independence and self-reliance, we can empower women to make choices that align with their values and aspirations.

Ultimately, marriage should be a choice, not an obligation.

Women should feel empowered to pursue whatever path brings them the most joy and fulfillment, whether that involves marriage or not. It’s about creating a society where every individual has the freedom to live authentically and pursue their own definition of happiness.

So, let’s embrace the beauty of marriage, but let’s also respect the freedom of individuals to choose their own path.

Whether someone wants to get married or not should be entirely up to them, without any sense of compulsion or obligation. After all, true love flourishes in an environment of freedom and choice.

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