Is it hard to get freelance writing jobs?

Starting as a freelance writer can be both exciting and scary. Many people who want to write for a living have worries and doubts before they begin. The primary concern is about getting freelance writing jobs – is it hard?

For many aspiring writers, the allure of being their boss and pursuing their passion on their own terms is undeniable. However, amidst the excitement lies a pressing question: is it hard to secure freelance writing jobs?

Well, honestly, it is.

If you are lazy, you procrastinate, you need a lot of motivation to write, you need things instantly – then freelance writing jobs are not going to work for you. Yes, finding jobs is not easy and there are several reasons.

Freelance writing jobs – why finding them is never easy?

Jobs are limited but writers are many:

Just like you, there are thousands of writers looking for freelance writing jobs. There is a high demand for quality content in various industries, ranging from digital marketing to publishing.

However, the supply of freelance writing jobs may not always match this demand, leading to fierce competition among writers for available opportunities.

Its Global Competition:

When you are looking for freelance jobs, you are not looking for local jobs. You are looking in other countries because opportunities are many and payment high.

Freelance writing platforms and job boards attract writers from around the world, creating a global pool of talent vying for the same projects. This global competition makes it extremely difficult for writers, especially those just starting out, to stand out among their peers.

Just have a look at platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, if you haven’t done it yet. Yes, you will be competing with writers from USA, UK, Australia and every corner of  the world.

Client Expectations and their Preferences:

I am an Indian and English was my first language throughout.

A job post on Upwork says ‘Native writers only’


Even if I am a good writer, I am not suitable for the job.

Clients often have specific requirements and preferences when it comes to hiring freelance writers. They may seek writers with niche expertise, a strong portfolio, or a particular writing style that aligns with their brand or project needs.

Meeting these expectations can be a challenge for writers who are still building their skills or seeking to establish themselves in the industry.

Compensation Structures:

Freelance writing jobs can come with a wide range of compensation structures, from fixed rates to pay-per-word or revenue-sharing arrangements. Navigating these compensation models and negotiating fair pay can be daunting for writers, especially when competing against others who may be willing to accept lower rates.

Networking and Marketing Efforts:

To get freelance writing jobs, you have to network continuously.

Writers need to consistently promote their services, build relationships with clients and fellow writers, and showcase their expertise through platforms such as social media, personal websites, and professional portfolios.

For writers who are new to freelancing or introverted by nature, this aspect of the job search can be particularly challenging.

No, it’s not for introverts who are not happy promoting or advertising their work.

Things change fast!

The freelance writing industry is constantly evolving, driven by changes in technology, consumer preferences, and market trends. Writers need to stay informed about these shifts and adapt their skills and strategies accordingly to remain competitive in the marketplace.

So, what does all this mean? You shouldn’t try?

No, it means you have to be prepared when you step into the world of freelance writing. Things are not going to be easy.

How Newcomers Can Start – Finding Freelancing Writing Jobs

Give it a try because unless you start somewhere, you are not going to reach anywhere.

Step 1 – Choose your niche – you have to be clear with this

Identify your areas of expertise or interests within writing. Determine the types of content you enjoy creating or have experience in.

Suppose you have a background in technology and enjoy writing about gadgets and software, you might specialize in tech writing. Alternatively, if you’re passionate about travel, you could focus on travel writing.

If you are not comfortable in writing topics on finance, cryptocurrency, shares, stocks and more, you can drop it.

Step 2: You Need to Have a Good Portfolio

Create a portfolio showcasing your writing samples. Include a variety of pieces that highlight your skills and expertise in your chosen niche.

Compile articles, blog posts, or other written content you’ve produced, whether for personal blogs, academic projects, or volunteer work. If you don’t have existing samples, consider writing sample pieces on topics relevant to your niche.

Whenever you apply for a job, you will be asked to share your portfolio.

Step 3: Create a Professional Online Presence:

Establish an online presence through a personal website or professional profiles on freelance platforms and social media.

Build a website to showcase your portfolio, bio, and contact information. Additionally, create profiles on platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or LinkedIn, and optimize them with relevant keywords and a professional summary.

Network with Other Writers:

If you are in the world of freelancing you cannot survive alone.

Connect with fellow writers, editors, and professionals in your niche to expand your network and discover potential job opportunities.

You can go ahead and join writing communities and forums, participate in online discussions, and attend industry events or workshops.

Engage with other writers on social media platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn by sharing insights, commenting on posts, and connecting with individuals in your field.

You can learn from their experiences.

Pitch to Publications and Content Agencies:

Research publications, websites, and content agencies that align with your niche and pitch them your writing services. You can get in touch with them with their

Identify online magazines, blogs, or companies that regularly publish content related to your expertise. Craft personalized pitch emails introducing yourself, highlighting your relevant experience, and proposing article ideas or content solutions tailored to their audience.

Apply to Job Listings on Freelance Platforms:

Browse job listings on freelance platforms and apply to writing gigs that match your skills and interests.

Search for writing jobs on platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or ProBlogger. Filter listings based on your niche, preferred payment terms, and project requirements. Tailor your proposals to each job, emphasizing how your skills and experience align with the client’s needs.

You have to be patient and persistent

Understand that securing freelance writing jobs may take time and perseverance. Stay committed to your goals and continue refining your skills and strategies.

Keep applying to jobs, pitching to publications, and networking with industry professionals even if you face rejection or initial setbacks.

You have to stay motivated, you have to cheer for yourself. Celebrate small wins along the way and stay focused on your long-term career aspirations.

Newcomers can effectively navigate the freelance writing landscape and increase their chances of finding rewarding job opportunities in their chosen niche.


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