Is Email Marketing Still Relevant in 2024?

is email marketing still relevantThat is one question that keeps coming again and again.

Digital marketing strategies keep evolving – something which is extremely necessary today might become obsolete tomorrow. In such a situation, how relevant is email marketing?

The answer is Yes – it is still relevant and equally important in 2020. If you have a strong marketing strategy, you can easily reach out and connect with thousands of your target audience. The best part is that you get a scope to connect in a personalized way, which increases the chance of sales.

All this happens at an affordable price.

Email Marketing Has Changed – It is Even Better Now

It is one of the most effective strategies to engage with your audience in the most cost-effective way. Digital marketers are strongly recommending the implementation of email marketing strategy, not just in 2020, but even in the future.

For those who are still a bit skeptical, here are a few powerful reasons why your brand and business need email marketing.

Think About Money

Who does not want to save money?

Digital marketing keeps evolving with newer strategies, but one thing remains just the same. Companies look forward to tactics that can maximize their budget and still help in achieving their goals. Email marketing is a strategy that reaches out to your target audience and helps to remain engaged, without causing a hole in your pocket.

If you compare email marketing with some other traditional marketing methods like direct mailing, print ads, or TV, you will realize that expenses are a lot less. You just need to have the email content and an email marketing team working on it. Costs are low when you compare it with paying for ad space in a popular magazine or newspaper.

That is not all – if you think about the ROI, you will know that email marketing can get you high ROI. It is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies, especially for small businesses. Companies with a limited budget who look forward to an inexpensive start, find email marketing quite effective.

Besides, there are a few tactics like triggered campaigns, that help in making the most of the money invested. Cost-effectiveness is one of the main reasons, why companies should give email marketing a second thought, especially in 2020 and beyond when savings is the keynote for all businesses.

Scope to Connect with Mobile Customers

The value and importance of mobile marketing cannot be denied when we think about email marketing. Consumers with mobile devices or other handheld devices is on the rise. In the coming few years, it is expected that the numbers will increase many times more. Now, keeping this in mind, businesses have to find a way to connect with mobile customers.

Today, 2/3 of mobile users have their email configured on their phones. People prefer to check and reply to emails even as they are on the move and often beyond their regular working hours. It is certainly easier. Digital marketers are making the most of this trend, which has increased the scope of email marketing. It is now quite easy to engage probable customers on their mobile devices.

Think about yourself – how many times do you check your emails in a day? Remember, each time a consumer checks the email, it is an opportunity for the brand. It is a scope to reach out and convey the message. Email marketing is the best way to present a business in front of the users. It is all in the hands of the user.

Improved Response Rate as Content is Personalized

2020 is a digital age – there are unprecedented changes going on in the digital world, making our life easier in every way possible. Personalization is now a choice of customers. People no longer prefer generic ads – digital consumers search for goods and services which are tailored as per their requirements.

Digital marketers are now helping companies to improve the campaign content relevancy. This is through data received from different platforms and through mobile integration.

Email markets make it easier to personalize the content that reaches the mailbox of the customers. Marketers collect data and lead to create relevant and personalized content for customers. Random or generic content does not help. If the content keeps the readers engaged and encourages them to act on it, the marketing is successful.

Personalizing content for emails does not take a lot of effort or time. Even a small step like using the consuming does help. Digital marketers feel that emails that have the first name of the recipient in their subject line, have a higher clickthrough rate when compared to others that do not have the name of the customer in the subject line.

Segmentation is an Effective Tactic

When it is about personalization, segmentation is quite effective. It helps to personalize messages better. It refers to the process of dividing the list of subscribers into different groups. This is on the basis of some characteristics. For example, people in a specific geographic location or climate can be segregated into a list.

Email lists can also be on the basis of subscriber interest and also demographic information.

Segmentation ensures that subscribers are getting the content which they prefer and something that appeals to them. It helps in increasing relevancy. It is also a solution to lower unsubscribe rates. It helps in improving the conversion rates. You are not going to get this type of personalization in any other kind of marketing technique.

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You Get to Measure Results

Efforts are important but results count!

In 2020, all that people look forward to is the result. Email metrics are preferred as it is possible to see results. Metrics are simple to track and are measurable. Thus, it does not involve any ‘trial and error’ method. There is no guesswork involved as everything is based on the facts.

With the help of email marketing analytics, the business gets a lot of useful information. It is possible to track almost everything.

For example:

  • Number of people who opened the email
  • If any user has clicked any link
  • If the user acted upon anything
  • Number of people who unsubscribed

This information is extremely important, as it is valuable in determining if the digital marketing strategy will work. With the gathered data, it is possible to analyze the strategies and make all necessary adjustments for improvement.

The relevancy or importance of email marketing in the present times cannot be denied. It is still effective and helps small and large businesses alike. Digital marketers are making the most of it and ensuring that such strategies work for a business in the most profitable way.

So, to sum it up, what are the numerous benefits of email marketing? Why do businesses still need to think about it?

  • Ways to stay connected with the audience – Emails help keep customers informed. Customers have a feeling that they are being taken care of personally.
  • Timely – Digital marketers often prepare customized email strategies. According to this, customers are sent seasonal offers, special offers on their birthdays, special promotional offers during holidays, and annual sale discounts. With such timely offers, customers are more likely to convert.
  • Keeps Engaged – Since decades, emails have been an appreciated means of communication. Emails keep customers engaged, they can reply, forward, or simply keep the information for the future.
  • Affordable – It is a cost-effective way to keep the audience engaged. It takes just a few seconds to send a mail which is a total cost-effective process.
  • Helps in Increasing Brand Awareness – If any business gets the email address of a customer from a form, which the customer fills, it means that the customer has an interest in the business or the product. Email marketing provides an opportunity to enhance such an interest level. However, this does not mean that the customer will be disturbed every now and again with a bombardment of messages.

However, businesses have to ensure that the email campaign is well planned and properly executed which will ensure success. It is not just about sending emails randomly.

These emails have the objective of creating leads. Digital marketers have to ensure

  • The email is concise and simple – Information should not confuse or overburden the audience.
  • The message should be compelling. It should be direct and to the point. The prospect should understand the main objective of the message in a few seconds of reading the email.
  • The call to action should be specific. The reader should clearly understand what they will receive if they click a link
  • The landing page is the most important. It should include some of the most important information about the brand.
  • A follow-up mail is essential and should be a part of the email marketing campaign.

Thus, we can sum it up and mention that ‘Email marketing is not dead’. It is still promising and has the ability to help businesses in different ways. However, digital marketers should create content after keeping in mind different considerations.

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