How To Travel with a Toddler – Parenting Tips

Travelling helps you to reconnect with your lost self in a better way. It helps you to rejuvenate your inner self and provides clarity of mind. Due to this reason, most families prefer to go on at least one family trip around the year. It provides them a better way to reconnect with their family and refresh them as well.

Now, the question is, what should you do when you have a toddler with you? Well, the simple answer is nothing, but pack a bag and get going!

It is true that with a toddler, the entire work doubles up to a certain limit. But you can’t miss out on your life for this reason!

Time is not permanent, and it won’t wait for anyone. Therefore, it would be best if you thought of an alternative way to handle a toddler when traveling. To help you out with various questions about the same, we have rightly narrowed down some of the most important tips to follow.

Check these out and start your travel planning now!

Packing Extra Outfits

Packing extra might come with other disadvantages like extra luggage and higher expense at the airport. However, you must pack extra luggage when traveling with a toddler. It is best if you remembered that anything could happen with dresses when traveling with a kid.

It will just take a

How to travel with a toddler

mere second for your toddler to destroy a new pair of dresses with food.

You might take off a glance at them just to enjoy nature, and it is done! This is why you need to be double prepared. Just carry extra shoes, a dress, diapers, and cloth. If you think that carrying extra outfits for your kid increases the overall luggage weight, you need to cut out you’re packing.

Try to take just the necessity for yourself and pack everything for your toddler.

Never Fly When Vaccinated

This one is the most important tip that you will ever come across! Is your kid recently vaccinated, and you planned on going on a trip the next day? Well, it might seem a little bit forced, but don’t travel the very next day or within a week, just don’t! Normally, it has been seen those kids, after getting vaccinated, can develop symptoms like fever, rashes, and diaper blowouts.

Most vaccination side effects can happen within one week. When going to a new destination, there are several things on your mind, and you don’t want to add this extra stress to that.

Thereby, just make it a point that you book the traveling dates based on the vaccination dates. You can just keep a check on the doctor’s chart on the dates of vaccination and then plan to be on the safe side.

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Booking In-Flight Seats

When traveling via flight, you need to be careful about some specifications. First, try to book a travel seat safely for your toddler if they are above the age of three. Turbulence in the sky can occur anytime, and you need to be prepared for it. Keeping your child on your lap is a good idea to comfort them, but it is not always safe.

There are specific safety seats available for toddlers to ensure that they are completely protected. It might surprise you, but these seats can keep your kid completely well protected even under severe turbulence. At times of air turbulence, it is natural that you might feel a little bit out of place. Just book a safe seat for your kid and travel hassle-free with better protection.

Stocking Treats Before Vacation

Treats for kids are also popularly acclaimed as “true toddler currency” in any vacation. Your kid can get cranky at almost any time, even after a good nap. Therefore, keeping their favourite snack in your backpack is the best idea ever. The expenses at the premium travel stop for these snacks are naturally quite high. This is why you need to carry the exact ones your kid likes to avoid sudden situations.

It is recommended that you try to stock up on easy snack items like baby carrots (boiled to avoid choking), pretzels, dry cereals, and organic fruits. These would please your kid at times of emergency. You need to keep in mind the spare time that might be required when traveling. At times, even after a specific timing schedule, flights often land late. These stocked-up treats could help your kid at those necessary times.

Maintaining Hygiene Essentials

Hygiene is extremely crucial when traveling in this covid situation. Further, when traveling with a toddler, you need to be on top priority to maintain these hygiene needs. A lifesaver thing for a new mom traveling is nothing but a well-stocked diaper bag. It could be used at any time and in any emergency.

In addition to the diaper, you need to keep some wet wipes as well. Wet wipes can help you maintain definite hygiene at almost any time with proper sanitization. Don’t forget to keep some plastic zip-lock bags to keep the snacks and food items protected. If you are going to a coastal region, these zip-locks could be used to keep the wet bathing suits safe.

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Entertainment Without Technology

Try to enjoy nature by unplugging yourself from social media and getting into the actual vibe of nature. Try to teach your kid the magnificence of nature and how it is a source of living. Carrying electronic things might make things easier, but it won’t give you the pleasure you were looking for. Just switch off your phone and enjoy the beautiful warmth of the sunset or sunrise.

Last but not least, keep a positive mind and approach when going on a vacation with your toddler. It will help you to look over the negativity and get the best value.

10 Foods To Carry When You are Travelling with a 2 Year Old Toddler By Car

When traveling with a two-year-old toddler by car, it’s important to have a selection of snacks and meals that are easy to eat, nutritious, and enjoyable for them.

Here are some food suggestions that are convenient to carry while traveling:

Fresh fruit:

Cut up some small, easy-to-eat fruits like grapes, strawberries, watermelon, or sliced apples. Pack them in a container or ziplock bags. Your toddler can have them whenever hungry.

Baby Carrots Or Sliced Vegetables:

Carrot sticks, cucumber slices, or bell pepper strips make healthy and crunchy snacks. Pair them with a small container of hummus or a healthy dip. These are filling and nutritious.


Cut cheese into bite-sized pieces or carry string cheese that your toddler can enjoy on the go.


Pack individual servings of yogurt in spill-proof containers or pouches. You can also freeze yogurt cups the night before the trip, and they will thaw by the time your toddler is ready to eat.

Sandwiches or wraps:

Prepare small sandwiches or wraps with toddler-friendly fillings such as peanut butter and jelly, cream cheese, or deli meats. Cut them into small pieces for easy handling.

Snack bars:

Look for nutritious snack bars specifically designed for toddlers. Choose ones made with natural ingredients and without excessive added sugars.

Crackers and rice cakes:

Carry a variety of toddler-friendly crackers or rice cakes that are easy to eat and less messy. Opt for whole-grain options whenever possible.

Dried fruit and trail mix:

Prepare a small bag of dried fruit like raisins, apricots, or banana chips. You can also mix them with some whole-grain cereal or pretzels to create a homemade trail mix.

Squeezable pouches:

These are convenient for carrying pureed fruits, vegetables, or yogurt that your toddler can enjoy straight from the pouch. Check the labels for options with no added sugars.

Water and milk:

Don’t forget to bring a spill-proof sippy cup or bottle filled with water or milk. Staying hydrated is crucial during the journey.

If you have enough food and drinks for your toddler you can be assured that your little one will never be hungry or lack nutrition. However, there are certain facts which are more important.

Safety Tips to Keep in Mind When Travelling with Two Year Old Toddler

When traveling with a two-year-old toddler, it’s important to prioritize their safety and well-being. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

Use a properly installed car seat:

When traveling by car, always use a car seat appropriate for your toddler’s age and size. Ensure that the seat is properly installed and securely fastened. You can check this before you start the journey and also during your journey time and again.

Pack essential safety items:

Bring necessary safety items such as outlet covers, cabinet locks, corner guards, and door stoppers to childproof the accommodation you’ll be staying in.

Carry identification for your toddler:

Have identification for your child, including their name, name, and contact information. This could be a card in their pocket or a bracelet with your contact details.

Keep medications and first aid kits handy:

If your child requires any medication, make sure to bring them along. Additionally, have a basic first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, antiseptic ointment, and any other specific items your child may need.

Practice sun safety:

Protect your toddler from the sun by applying sunscreen with a high SPF, using a wide-brimmed hat, and dressing them in lightweight, breathable clothing. Seek shade during the peak hours of sun exposure.

Supervise your toddler at all times:

Keep a close eye on your child, especially in unfamiliar environments. Watch out for potential hazards, such as open staircases, bodies of water, or busy roads.

Maintain a routine:

Stick to your child’s regular routine as much as possible. This includes maintaining consistent mealtimes, nap times, and bedtimes. Disruptions to their routine can cause stress and make them more susceptible to accidents.

Be cautious with food and water:

Be mindful of the food and water your toddler consumes while traveling. Stick to bottled or filtered water, and avoid street food or raw, unpeeled fruits and vegetables that may carry a higher risk of contamination.

Be prepared for emergencies:

Research emergency services and medical facilities in the area you’ll be visiting. Keep important contact numbers readily available in case of emergencies.

Bring entertainment and comfort items:

Pack toys, books, and other familiar items that can keep your toddler entertained and provide them with a sense of comfort during the journey.

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