How To Start Improving my Life in 7 Days

You are in a hurry; you want to improve your life and you want to know how! That’s half the battle won. It is never late to start anything new, especially when it is something related to self-improvement. To start improving your life in 7 days, you need to inculcate a few habits. These include having a disciplined life, working hard towards goals, spending time in leisure and more.

But, before we get into this, understand why you want to improve your life?

Some reasons why people decide to bring a change in their lives are –

1) A realization that they have wasted a lot of time.

2) They need to achieve something in a short time.

3) It’s an awakening.

4) They want a productive life.

5) Want to make someone proud.

6) It’s a goal set.

There can be hundreds of reasons. However, it is known that there are primarily three areas of self-improvement.

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional

Every person has a different reason to bring a change in life. No matter what the reason is, it’s always a good idea.

Follow a Healthy Morning Routine:

During my college days and a few years into employment, I would have to rush through the mornings. I was forever late.

Why? Why am I late always?

Why do the Sundays go away so quickly – before I realize the whole of Sunday is gone?

Well – a late realization. My day was starting late. How will I find time if I choose to get up at 11am on Sunday? For everyone, lunch time would be 12pm. So, for me it was always a mad rush.

It meant skipping breakfast most of the time, avoiding general household chores, rushing through my basic tasks, and having lunch.

Improvement was certainly needed because it was not comfortable. Where was my relaxing Sunday?

So, it was all about following a healthy morning routine – not just on Sunday but every day.

1) Get up early

2) Do at least 30 minutes of exercise (walking, gardening or simply enjoying nature)

3) Healthy Breakfast on time by 8:30-9am

4) Carry out with work or studies.

Prepare a Bucket List:

We all have things to do daily, weekly, monthly, and sometimes. Missing deadlines or dates can be frustrating for anyone. Why let such a situation arise?

It is always good to plan things well and advance.

So, the best way to do that is have a bucket list. You can divide this list into a few parts – Priority List and Not a Priority List.

Next, schedule a bunch of things that you would want to complete in a day. Tally this by the end of the end. Believe me, it will help you stay organized and make you productive as well.

Quick Tips for Efficient Bucket list

1) Create daily goals

2) Prepare mini milestones

3) Carry-forward the tasks you cannot complete in a day.

4) Do the worst task first (the one you wouldn’t like to do)

5) Randomize – If you have a big project that is monotonous, why not randomly do a part of it daily.

Reduce Your Screen Time:

It is true that if you wish to improve the quality of your life, you must reduce your screen time.

Imagine how many hours you are spending online – watching reels, social media, YouTube and other things that are not adding value to your life.

It not only leads to a sedentary lifestyle but stagnates our life because you could be doing something better in that time.

So, start today and reduce your screen time in any way possible. You will see you have lots of more free time in hand.

Confront a Fear:

We all have fears. It can be a fear or reluctance to call someone, fear to learn something new, fear to bring a change in life or any other fear.

If you want to improve your life, your first step would be to confront a fear you have.

Suppose you are unhappy with your job and want to change. But fear keeps you stuck.

Try to get over it.

Give yourself another chance. Post your resume on job portals and apply.

That’s not all. When you receive a job interview go for it, whether you wish to take up the position or not.

Skipping interviews on some pretext is a habit of many. So, just go and see what happens.

Save Money:

Situations change daily – you might be wealthy today but tomorrow you might lose everything.

Who knew that the world would shut down one day due to COVID-19? It was one of the most difficult moments when people were falling sick, people lost their jobs, everything was shut down, no money, no food, no medicines, and hospitals did not have enough beds.

It is always recommended to save money for rainy days.

Save as much as you can. As a rule, you should ideally save first and then spend because if you do it and vice versa, things might change.

Read: How to save money for your retirement in 20’s

Reading Books:

If you have a habit of reading books, nothing can be better. It will help you stay engaged, positive and learn.

Read anything that interests you. If you do not have a habit of reading books, you can always give it a try. Start by reading motivational and inspirational stories. You can start reading some best-sellers. You will definitely find something that interests you.

In fact, reading a book will also keep you away from your mobile.

Must Read: Best Vocational Courses for Women

Eat Healthy:

This is for all those who do not eat healthy and have lots of fast-food or junk food. Bring a change in your life by cutting down all that.

  • Reduce your consumption of fries, processed food and sugar.
  • Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables.
  • Include at least one fruit in your diet daily.
  • Try to have balanced meal.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Do not miss your meals and try to have meals on time.

Spend Time with Your Family and Friends:

Instead of staying indoors and spending time with video games, why not spend time with your family and friends?

Try and find out what is happening in lives of others.

If you have friends away from you, give them a call.

Spend your weekends with your loved ones.

Take Rest

Last, but not the least, give yourself enough time. You might have a lot of things to do in life. Lots of goals to meet and it might seem that time is running out. Still, stop and take rest. Remember that your body needs at least 8 hours of sleep daily. If you compromise that it is not going to do good to your body in the long-run.

Take a break. Relax, do things that make yourself happy.

Slogging all day and night will only frustrate you further. You will feel pressurized and overburdened and your productivity or efficiency is going to decrease.





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