How To Make Money as Blogger

In recent years, the digital landscape has transformed the way we work, with remote opportunities becoming increasingly prevalent. You can make money as blogger and earn from home quite easily. However, remember that there is no magical formula. You need to be patient, work continuously, develop high-quality valuable content and work hard to make money as a blogger.

If you do not have any experience in blogging and need guidance, you can take up a blogging course. In case you are not interested in a course, you can learn from YouTube also.

However, if you complete a blogging course, it will open doors to remote work from the comfort of your home.

How to Make Money as Blogger From Home:

You will need.

  • A hosting platform and plan
  • A blog
  • Content creation

So, it’s all about getting started to make money as blogger.

Building your own blogging business

One of the most significant advantages of completing a blogging course is the opportunity to start your own blogging business. Armed with the knowledge and insights gained from the course, you can establish a blog and turn it into a potential source of income.

By creating engaging content and attracting a loyal readership, you can monetize your blog through advertising, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and selling digital products or services.

Freelancing as a blogger

Apart from running your own blog, completing a blogging course opens doors to freelance opportunities. Many businesses, both large and small, seek skilled bloggers to produce quality content for their websites or marketing campaigns.

Freelancing allows you to work with various clients on diverse projects, providing you with a chance to expand your expertise and grow your professional network.

Remote positions with blogging expertise

As companies recognise the importance of maintaining an online presence, the demand for skilled bloggers has increased. Corporations, startups, and media outlets often hire remote employees with blogging expertise to manage their content strategy, social media, and brand identity. Completing a blogging course not only demonstrates your proficiency but also showcases your commitment to continuous learning, making you an attractive candidate for such positions.

These were some of the many options you could try, if you want to earn money online as a blogger.

Is blogging a stable career option in 2023?

Blogging has been around since the very first days when the internet started becoming mainstream. And the question,” Is blogging a stable career option?” has been there since then.

The short answer to this would be yes, but this is only true when you follow certain aspects. The benefits of blogging are many, but you need to be consistent, put in a lot of effort, and stay up-to-date to excel among the 600 million blogs.

It seems challenging at first, but with the right strategies and a bit of persistence, you can be your own boss in a few months.

Let’s talk about some benefits, challenges, and whether it’s still a good career in 2023 or not. Let’s get started.

Why is blogging still preferred as a career?

Many people consider blogging a hobby, but it can be a real business, and there are a number of people who are earning much more than the average monthly salary in India. Here are some of the most common benefits of blogging as a career:

Showcase your writing skills

Blogging is the best way to showcase your writing skills and to improve them as well. This way, you can experiment with your current writing style and tone.

Build authority in your niche

With a blog, you can share your expertise in a niche, your experience, and your knowledge with a specific audience. This, in the long run, will help you build a community and authority in the industry. From an earning perspective, this can also lead to consulting gigs, speaking engagements, and even job offers.

Promote your business

With time, you can build a strong following that is specific to a certain niche, interest, or demographic. This means you can reach a wider audience, attract new customers, and promote your business at a global level. You can also create a personal connection with your audience with a blog. However, there are certain things on which you need to focus, like SEO, to grow your blog and reach that level.

Earn passive income

Blogging is a great source of passive income today. After building a decent following, you can monetize the blog by running ads on it, selling your own digital products, or selling products as an affiliate.

Challenges of making blogging a career

Now that we have talked about the benefits that come with making blogging a full-time career, let’s look at the common challenges that come with it.

  • It might be difficult to find time to write on a regular basis if you work full-time.
  • Another problem is creating new material that will keep your readers coming back for more.
  • Maintaining your website up-to-date and dealing with hacker attempts.
  • Building a successful blog requires a lot of hard work and attention.

Is blogging a stable career option today?

Now, coming to the big question, we have mentioned that it is possible to get a stable career out of blogging. But the question remains, “How exactly?”

If you are willing to make money out of blogging, make sure to treat it like a business. Several bloggers earn a living from their blogs.

To be successful, you must provide high-quality content on a continuous basis while also building a huge following.

It’s easier than ever to establish a blog with services like WordPress and Medium. Moreover, with social media, reaching an audience is easier than ever.

However, make sure to keep in mind that building a successful blog requires time and work. Blogging is not an ideal option if you want to earn quick cash.

4 Things to Keep In Mind If You Are Starting Blogging As A Side Hustle In 2023

If you do not wish to be a full-time blogger and find it to be risky, try it as a side-hustle.

In fact, there are hundreds of people who are earning a lot of money as a blogger.

However, if you are to start with a strategy in 2023 and beyond, there are three primary factors you need to have a clear idea of:

  • Your readers, a.k.a., your target audience
  • Their needs and requirements
  • Your position is to solve their problems.

These aspects will help you build a strong community and eventually establish your authority in the industry. However, apart from these factors, you also need to consider what you enjoy the most, what you are passionate about, and how you can market your service to make blogging an income source.

Here’s how you can start a blog in 2023 as a side hustle in five simple steps:

Pick a suitable niche

First things first, you need to choose a niche that is profitable and that you have an interest in. Choosing a niche will allow you to grow by targeting a specific audience that you can bring value to and that is profitable enough to make you money. Blogging can help you build a strong reputation as well as communicate with potential customers in the long run.

Learn the SEO game

After launching the blog, your top priority should be getting traffic to your site. For that, you need to focus on learning and incorporating SEO practises into your blog. While for beginners, SEO might seem a bit complex, here are some key takeaways that you can follow to get started:

Conduct keyword research:

The first step in SEO is keyword research, which will help you show up higher on the SERPs. For this, you can use Google autocomplete, related searches, and People Also Ask to get an idea of what exact phrases and words your target audience uses. You can also use free tools like Keyword Surfer or AnswerThePublic to find relevant and profitable keywords.

Create content pillars:

Creating a content calendar will help you organise and plan your blog writing approach so that you don’t ever have to think about running out of ideas for your blog.

Monetize the blog

There are many ways you can monetize your blog after reaching a certain point in terms of gaining a decent amount of followers and subscribers. Some of the ways include running Adwords, writing sponsored content, selling your digital product, and more.

For example, if you have an interest in cooking and have your own cookbook with unique recipes, you can use your blog to sell the book after building a fair audience. The most common way to earn money through blogs is, however, by running ads on the site.

You can also redirect them to your YouTube channel through your blog and use affiliate marketing to promote products and earn a passive commission out of it too. Writing sponsored content can also be a viable method to monetize your blog. However, make sure to verify the credibility of the sponsor. Similarly, if you have a significant following, you can try contacting brands in your industry and collaborating with them.

Conduct competitor research

Last but not least, you need to have a clear idea of what your competitors are doing as well to be on the right track and understand what’s working and what’s not.

While establishing a blog as a side hustle may seem overwhelming, it’s vital to realise that making money is a process that requires time and work. You may not see instant results, but if you remain devoted and focused, you will be able to establish a great blog that connects with your readers.






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