How To Increase YouTube Subscribers Organically

If you are a YouTuber, then this article is for you – How to increase YouTube Subscribers organically? It is one of the most essential things that helps in gaining popularity.

YouTube is the second-most-visited site with an average time spent of 6 hours, making it preferred by millions of users to make money online. But with the increasing competition on the platform, it is getting challenging to stand out and gain subscribers organically.

In this article, we will talk about strategies to grow your channel organically in the shortest amount of time.

But before that, let’s look at what counts as a view and why it is so important on YouTube.

YouTube Views Explained

On YouTube, views refer to the overall number of times a particular video has been watched, and every time a viewer watches a video for at least 30 seconds, it is counted as a view. This is also applicable when someone watches a single video several times. In that case, each time the viewer watches the video, it is counted as a new view.

On YouTube, views are the most important factor, as they directly influence the YouTube algorithm. The math is quite simple here. The more views you get, the more your views will be pushed to new people by the algorithm. Views also determine how much you are going to make on YouTube, which you can consider a return on investment.

But it does not only stay limited to the earning part; more views also mean greater awareness and better brand affinity.

With that being said, let’s move on to the proven ways to grow your channel with organic traffic on YouTube.

Start With Engaging Titles.

On YouTube, it is all about presentation. The title can make or break the video’s performance. For example, try adding relevant keywords to the titles and making them click-worthy. However, try staying away from making them clickbait. Make sure to keep the title around 70 characters; however, most YouTubers prefer keeping them under 55 characters to make the headlines engaging.

How to Write Engaging Titles:

Crafting engaging titles for your YouTube videos is crucial for attracting viewers. Here are some tips to help you create compelling and click-worthy titles:

Be Descriptive and Specific:

Clearly convey what your video is about. Use descriptive language to give viewers a good idea of the content.

Use Keywords:

Incorporate relevant keywords that people might use when searching for content similar to yours. This can improve your video’s discoverability.

Keep it Concise:

Aim for concise titles that are easy to understand. Avoid overly long titles that may be confusing or overwhelming.

Create a Sense of Urgency or Curiosity:

Use words that evoke curiosity or a sense of urgency. Phrases like “must-watch,” “revealed,” or “exclusive” can encourage clicks.

Include Numbers and Stats:

If your video includes a list or statistics, include the number in the title. For example, “Top 10 Tips,” “5 Amazing Hacks,” etc.

Highlight Benefits:

Clearly communicate the benefits or value viewers will gain from watching your video. What problem does your video solve?

Pose Questions:

Pose a question in your title that viewers may want the answer to. This can stimulate curiosity and encourage clicks.

Use Power Words:

Incorporate powerful and emotional words that resonate with your audience. Examples include “amazing,” “unbelievable,” “insane,” etc.

Consider SEO:

Think about search engine optimization (SEO) when crafting titles. Use relevant terms and phrases that your target audience might search for.

Be Authentic:

Avoid clickbait tactics that may lead to disappointment. Ensure that your title accurately represents the content of your video.

Test and Analyze:

Experiment with different title styles and monitor the performance using YouTube Analytics. See what resonates best with your audience.

Tailor to Your Audience:

Understand your target audience and tailor your titles to match their interests, preferences, and language.

Optimise Your Videos For The Search Engine

Since Google prefers a large percentage of YouTube videos to show up on the SERP, you should always try to optimise your videos accordingly. This means you need to add keywords, tags, and everything else needed to make your videos SEO-friendly. You need to include target keywords in the title as well as in the description. Not only this, try mentioning the keywords in the video as well for the algorithm to understand the video better.

Optimizing your videos for YouTube is essential to increase visibility, reach a larger audience, and improve overall performance.

Here are seven ways to optimize your videos:

Keyword Research:

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant terms and phrases related to your video content.

Use these keywords in your video title, description, and tags to improve search engine visibility.

Compelling Thumbnails:

Create eye-catching thumbnails that accurately represent your video content.

Use high-quality images, contrasting colors, and readable text to make your thumbnails stand out.

Optimized Video Titles:

Craft engaging and descriptive titles that include your target keywords.

Keep titles concise and compelling to encourage clicks from potential viewers.

Detailed Video Descriptions:

Write detailed and informative video descriptions that provide context about your content.

Include relevant keywords and links to other related videos or external resources.

Tags and Metadata:

Use a variety of relevant tags to help YouTube understand the content of your video.

Leverage the video category and add additional metadata, such as location, to provide more context.

Annotations and Cards:

Use YouTube’s annotation feature (if available) to add interactive elements to your videos.

Implement Cards to promote other videos, playlists, or external links within your video.

Transcriptions and Closed Captions:

Provide accurate transcriptions or closed captions for your videos.

This not only makes your content accessible to a broader audience but also helps YouTube understand your video’s content for better search results.

Engage with Viewers:

Encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe to your channel.

Respond to comments and engage with your audience to build a community around your content.

If you haven’t tried any of these before, try them and see the difference it makes.

Focus On Engagement.

YouTube is a social media platform, and like any other social media channel, you need to engage with your audience to grow on the platform. Any interaction with your audience is a positive indication marked by the YouTube algorithm that helps grow your channel. Remember, the more you engage, the more likely it is that your channel will grow.

Make Thumbnails Click-Worthy:

One of the easiest yet most effective strategies to get more views for a video is to design the YouTube channel thumbnail. By default, YouTube takes a random screenshot from the video and uses it as the cover picture for the video. However, to grab the attention of your audience, you need to design a thumbnail that is eye-catching and urges them to click on your video.

Creating Click-worthy YouTube thumbnails is crucial for attracting viewers to your videos. Here are some easy tips to make your thumbnails stand out:

High-Quality Imagery:

  • Use clear, high-resolution images that are relevant to your video content.
  • Ensure your thumbnails are visually appealing and easy to understand.

Contrast and Vibrant Colors:

  • Use vibrant and contrasting colors to make your thumbnail visually striking.
  • Consider using bold, bright colors that grab attention.

Large, Readable Text:

  • Add large, easy-to-read text to highlight the main topic of your video.
  • Choose a font that is clear and matches your video’s style.

Keep it Simple:

  • Avoid cluttering your thumbnail with too much information. Keep it simple and focused on the main idea of your video.
  • A clutter-free thumbnail is more likely to attract attention.

Faces and Emotions:

  • If applicable, include faces with expressive emotions. Human faces tend to grab attention.
  • Ensure the expressions match the tone of your video content.

Branding Elements:

  • Incorporate your channel logo or other branding elements to make your thumbnails recognizable.
  • Consistent branding helps build a strong visual identity for your channel.

Contrast Backgrounds:

  • Use backgrounds that provide good contrast to the main elements of your thumbnail.
  • This helps the text and images stand out.

Thumbnail Size and Composition:

  • Make sure your thumbnails are easily visible even at smaller sizes. Many viewers browse on mobile devices.
  • Follow YouTube’s recommended thumbnail size (1280×720 pixels).

Curiosity and Intrigue:

Create a sense of curiosity or intrigue to encourage viewers to click. Pose questions or use images that provoke interest.

Test and Analyze:

  • Experiment with different thumbnail styles to see what works best for your audience.
  • Use YouTube Analytics to track the performance of different thumbnails and adjust your approach accordingly.


While these are only the unskippable suggestions to grow your YouTube channel, there are many other aspects related to growing on YouTube, including cross-promoting videos, targeting Google search results, adding a CTA, and creating a playlist, to name a few.


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