How To Include Vegetables in Toddler’s Diet?

Experts recommend that toddlers should have at least 2 spoonfuls of vegetables with every meal. Choose vegetables that do not have a strong flavor. Add them to soups, smoothies, and pancakes, roast them, grill them, and mix them with other meals so that they do not realize that they are having vegetables.

So, what are these vegetables that most toddlers have as they do not have a strong flavor?

Toddlers usually do not create much fuss about having cauliflower, carrots, sweet potato, sweet peppers, brocolli, celery, cucumber, peas and potatoes. Here are some of the few things you can try out that might help.

Prepare Vegetable Purees:

If your toddler is a picky eater and you are scared that the little one is not getting the nutrition, you can try out pureed vegetables. You can add these purees to their different meals and serve them

Prepare Veg Patties:

For the hamburger, you can grate beets, carrots and zucchini and prepare patties with them. You can mix them with meat for added taste and serve them to little ones.

Add Vegetables to Pasta:

If your child loves pasta, it’s a great way to serve vegetables. If you are preparing pasta, you can add fresh vegetables like zucchini, bell pepper, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, and carrots to it and serve.

Tips That Can Help – How to Make Toddlers Have Vegetables

It is often seen that in spite of best efforts, toddlers still hate vegetables. What to do in such a situation?

Introduce them To Vegetables:

When you go to the market to buy vegetables, take them along. Let them know the vegetables and choose the ones they like. If they pick a vegetable of their choice, they shouldn’t reject it when served.

Nagging or Bribing is Not The Correct Way:

Nagging will only make things worse. Bribing -? How long and how much will you bribe? Wouldn’t it encourage bad habits?

Instead, try to bring variations. If your toddler doesn’t like vegetables at lunch, try serving it as a snack.

Try Dips:

It is often seen that children feel attracted to try out something if they see sauces and dips. You can prepare a healthy yogurt dip and encourage your little one to use it as a sauce. Grilled vegetables like brocolli taste awesome with served with dips. In fact, you can even try out dips in varieties.

Recipes for Toddlers who Hate Vegetables

If your toddler doesn’t like vegetables, you will want to try out some clever ways to include these veggies in the diet. So, here are some options:

Spinach in Smoothie:

All toddlers love smoothies and popsicles. Make the most of this! When you are preparing smoothie or popsicle for your little one, start adding spinach in small quantities. They will not be able to see the color of the spinach in the smoothie and would love to eat them.

Sweet Potato Chips Grilled:

To prepare this, you simply need to slice sweet potatoes and coat it with spices. You can then quickly grill it. It can be served for dinner and snacks.

Oats and Vegetable Pancake:

When you prepare oats pancake for your toddler, add shredded vegetables in it. You can add little bit of carrot, beans, cauliflower, capsicum, onions, and other vegetables of your choice. Though it will be in small quantity, your baby will still get the nutrition.

Roasted Vegetables:

Your baby doesn’t like vegetables- do not fret. Your baby will love it in a different form. Chop vegetables of your choice like cauliflower, potatoes, capsicum, broccoli, carrot, tomatoes, beans and peas. Sprinkle some salt, pepper, and olive oil. Grill them and serve them with their favourite sauce. They will love it.


There are many toddlers who are fond of soups. If your toddler loves soup, you can easily serve vegetables in soup. You can add vegetables even to chicken soup that will add to their taste and make them delicious.


Most kids love sandwiches. So, you can always add vegetables of your choice to sandwiches in small quantities that will improve their taste and add to the nutrition count as well.

It’s all about adding variety and making it fun so that the little one wants to try out.

People Also Ask –

Why Doesn’t My Child Like Vegetables?

Children do not like vegetables because it doesn’t taste well. There are some vegetables that taste quite bitter because of the presence of phytonutrients and calcium.

What Happens When Toddlers Do Not Eat Vegetables?

Toddlers who do not have vegetables often have vitamin deficiencies, digestive issues and constipation as well. Besides, it can lower the immunity of a toddler.

Do Toddlers Really Need Vegetables?

Vegetables are a must for toddlers because they help in keeping the toddler protected from several chronic diseases. Vegetables offer a child much needed antioxidants, water, fibre and vitamins.

What Are the Vegetables your Toddler Can Eat?

Toddlers usually do not mind having cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, sweet peppers, squash and more.

What Vegetables Should Kids Eat Every day?

Kids should have at least one vegetable or fruit that is loaded with vitamins. They can have sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, and spinach alternately.

What Vegetables Can Help Kids Brain?

Green leafy vegetables are always recommended for brain health. Children can have these in the for of smoothies or even pasta sauce.

What vitamin deficiency is caused by lack of vegetables?

If a toddler doesn’t have enough vegetables, he or she might have low immunity. It might lead to many health problems in the future. Having a nutritious diet from a young age is always recommended.

What are the signs of not eating enough vegetables?

If children are not eating enough vegetables, they can often feel hungry after meals. They can have constipation, feel tired all day, have muscle cramps, and suffer from dull skin.

What to do if my 4 year old won’t eat fruits or vegetables?

It’s quite common and you must keep trying. If your child doesn’t like having vegetables, you have to prepare it in different ways. If your baby doesn’t like carrot sticks, you can serve your kid grated carrot.

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