How to Get Sponsored on Instagram For Free

Who doesn’t want to earn money from social media? But the question arises on how to get sponsored on Instagram for free? The only way to get sponsored for free is by building a STRONG presence. No one will approach you until you have a strong presence and a lot of following.

Why Instagram is Popular Amongst Influencers

Instagram is a social networking platform that has over 1 billion active monthly users and this is why influencers choose this platform to share more and more creative content.

You might have seen a lot of Instagram profiles with a huge number of followers and they have a lot of sponsored posts in their profiles. Being an influencer, you might struggle to get sponsored on Instagram.

This is because those influencers follow a lot of tricks that help them to get numerous sponsors. These tricks are not so difficult to follow and can easily be executed.

Brands consider certain factors when reaching Instagram sponsorships

So, here are some tips that can help you to get sponsored on Instagram from different companies that are looking to partner with influencers.

How to Get Sponsored on Instagram For Free – Build Your Brand First

Before you even try some other steps, you need to define your niche. This means what content you are planning to post on your Instagram profile.

  • This can be anything food or health-related content or it can be fashion related. Whatever it is, you have to establish your brand as it is very crucial.
  • Also, branding has a lot to do with your overall aesthetics such as how you want to style your posts or what your message is.
  • You have to specify in such a way so that people can easily distinguish your posts and they also need to be unique.

This is because when a user is scrolling through your feed, he or she must be able to recognize your post every time they see it and when they see similar content, they will be able to trust you.

Understand Your Audience

Knowing your audience is very important if you want to convince any brand to choose you as an influencer. This helps you as well because if you are able to understand your target audience, then you can easily and correctly identify which brands will get more success from using you as their sponsor.

To know your audience

  • You have to start from the basics such as gender, age and geographical location of your core population.
  • Then check which posts of yours they like the best and at what times of a day do they respond the most to your content.
  • This information will help you to pitch your partnerships with brands.

Any brand would want to know who they can reach by selecting you as a sponsor and explaining this in detail will help you to seal the deal with them.

You Have To Be Consistent with Your Posts

One thing that influencers have to maintain is to post consistently. This doesn’t mean that you have to post each and every hour. Studies have shown that posting once a day can easily help you to get a great number of followers for your profile.

  • You need to schedule your timing for every post and this will help you to manage your time well.
  • Timings vary from influencer to influencer based on their location and you have to decide that too based on your location.
  • You have to post content regularly as Instagram’s algorithms favour new and fresh content.
  • You don’t want your audiences to unfollow you or forget about you and this is the reason why you must post every day to keep them engaged on your content.

Depending on your audiences, you might want to set how many times you need to post content and with some trial and error, you will get there soon. This will help you to get more followers and getting more followers will help you to get sponsors from brands.

But, where are the sponsors?

Even if someone builds a brand, it is sometimes tough to find sponsors. Where are they?

Where can I find sponsors for Instagram? How to Get Sponsored on Instagram For Free?

Finding sponsors for Instagram can be done through various channels. Here are some effective ways to find sponsors for your Instagram account:

Influencer Marketing Platforms:

Join influencer marketing platforms where brands connect with influencers for collaborations. Examples include AspireIQ, Traackr, Influencity, and HYPR.

Social Media Marketing Agencies:

Connect with social media marketing agencies that specialize in influencer marketing. They often have a network of brands looking for influencers.

Online Marketplaces:

Explore online marketplaces like GrapeVine, IZEA, and BrandSnob, where brands post campaigns and influencers can apply to participate.

Networking Events and Conferences:

Attend industry events, conferences, or networking meet-ups related to your niche. These events provide opportunities to connect with brands and marketing professionals.

Direct Outreach:

Identify brands that align with your content and reach out to them directly via email or through their preferred contact channels. Clearly express your interest in collaboration.

Hashtags and Search:

Search relevant hashtags related to your niche and see which brands are actively engaging with content. Reach out to them expressing your interest in collaboration.

Brand Affiliate Programs:

Some brands have affiliate programs that allow influencers to earn commissions on sales generated through their unique affiliate links. Explore affiliate marketing opportunities with brands you like.

Join Instagram Engagement Groups:

Participate in Instagram engagement groups or pods where influencers support each other. Sometimes, brands or marketing professionals may also be part of these groups.

Collaborate with Other Influencers:

Collaborate with fellow influencers in your niche. They might share insights about brands they’ve worked with or introduce you to potential sponsors.

Create a Professional Media Kit:

Develop a media kit showcasing your Instagram analytics, demographics, and previous collaborations. Share this with potential sponsors to highlight your value.

Social Media Manager Platforms:

Platforms like SocialBee or SocialBeePro connect influencers with social media managers who can help them find sponsorship opportunities.

So, by now, you know how to Get Sponsored on Instagram For Free, if you wish to get sponsored.

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