How Much Do New Bloggers Make on Average

Are you aspiring to be a blogger and start your blog on a budget? You need to first know how much do new bloggers make on average. If you are a first-time blogger, you can expect to earn $100 to $200 in a month. But, remember, it depends on several factors and is never the same for everyone.

How Much Do New Bloggers Make on Average

Why know this?

  • Because it’s the ultimate motivation.
  • So that you do not have unrealistic expectations
  • So that you can measure your progress

But is there any guarantee?

No, there is no guarantee. There are hundreds of factors that decide your blog earning.

15 Factors That Decide – How Much Do New Bloggers Make on Average

Here are 15 factors based on which income from a blog for first-time bloggers depends, each accompanied by an example:

Quality Content:

Writing in-depth, well-researched articles on topics relevant to your niche. For instance, if your blog is about personal finance, an article on “10 Effective Budgeting Tips for Beginners” could provide valuable content.

Niche Selection:

Choosing a niche like sustainable living. A blog focused on eco-friendly practices can attract readers interested in environmentally conscious living, leading to potential partnerships with eco-friendly brands.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

Optimizing your blog posts with relevant keywords. If your blog is about healthy recipes, optimizing for keywords like “quick healthy meals” can improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.


Posting a new recipe every week if your blog is food-focused. Consistency helps build anticipation among readers, encouraging them to return regularly for fresh content.

How Much Do New Bloggers Make on Average totally depends on the level of consistency and hard work put in. The more the hard-work, the more the income.

Social Media Presence:

Promoting your blog on platforms like Instagram or Pinterest with visually appealing images and engaging captions. Sharing behind-the-scenes content or personal stories can create a connection with your audience.

Email Marketing:

Offering a free downloadable meal planning guide in exchange for email sign-ups. Building a mailing list allows you to share exclusive content and promote relevant affiliate products or your own digital products.

Monetization Strategies:

Exploring affiliate marketing by recommending kitchen gadgets within your recipe posts and earning a commission for every sale generated through your unique affiliate link.

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User Experience (UX):

Ensuring a clean and easy-to-navigate blog layout. This enhances the user experience, encouraging visitors to explore more content and potentially click on ads or affiliate links.

Learning and Adaptation:

Staying informed about the latest nutrition trends and adjusting your content to include popular topics. For example, if intermittent fasting gains popularity, you might create content around “Healthy Recipes for Intermittent Fasting.”

How much Do New Bloggers Make on Average also depends on the learning intention and the desire to succeed. You cannot succeed if you are laid back and procrastinate.

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Networking and Collaboration:

Collaborating with other food bloggers on a recipe roundup. Cross-promoting each other’s content can expand your reach and introduce your blog to new audiences.

Analytics and Data Analysis:

Using Google Analytics to track which recipes are most popular among your audience. You can then create more content similar to what your audience enjoys.

Mobile Optimization:

Ensuring your blog is mobile-friendly by using a responsive design. Many users access blogs on their smartphones, and a mobile-friendly site can improve the overall user experience.

Brand Building:

Creating a unique logo and consistent visual elements for your blog. A well-defined brand helps your blog stand out and can attract sponsored opportunities from companies aligned with your brand values.

Adaptability to Trends:

Staying informed about current food trends, like plant-based diets. Creating content around trending topics can capitalize on increased search traffic.

Time Management and Patience:

Understanding that building a successful blog takes time. Setting realistic goals and focusing on gradual growth rather than expecting immediate financial success.

How much do new bloggers make on average also depends on their time management skills. It is about how much they can write quickly while maintaining the quantity.

Now, if you are completely new and wouldn’t like to invest much, then you must know about the free blogging platforms to get started.

We all are pretty aware that blogging can help in earning along with several other advantages.

However, when anyone is starting new and doesn’t have an established business, it becomes difficult to invest money straight away. In such a situation, people look for free blogging platforms.

If yes, there are several websites that you can choose to get your deal done. In the current times, several platforms can help you create and build your website based on your needs.

Regardless of your goal, you can simply check the best solutions from these platforms. This article covers some of these free blogging platforms best suited for anyone. So keep reading to check out which one will be preferred for your needs. – One of The Most Popular Free Blogging Platforms

The most popular blogging platform based on numbers is surely WordPress. Even before WordPress was launched as a website building solution, it was exclusive to blogging.

The flexibility and ability to expand your features in WordPress are phenomenal. Customers using this platform can also channel their inner creativity by using the differentiated themes from the platform. Most of these themes are also completely free, making them the best solution for everyone’s use.

If you are a beginner, you can surely start as a free user and then look for a subscription.


Do you have a passion for both blogging and publishing simultaneously? If yes, your best opportunity to fulfil both of these demands is surely Medium.

You can essentially sign up here and start your posting and blogging game now as a writer. An essential benefit of Medium is that you can feature your content to the readers completely free of cost. This feature does not involve any hidden charges and directly earns traffic on your post. The built-in community of medium is also effective enough to change your blogging dream into success in no time.


This is a completely new platform that has grown quickly over the years. Substack has developed as a platform to build blogging into better functions. Once you start blogging at Substack, the writeups after being posted on the website also go to each email subscriber.

The best advantage of using this platform is that it focuses on generating better-paid subscriptions with its in-built features. Any customer can use Substack completely free until you look for charging amounts for your writeup. Once you have decided to charge for your content, Substack will generate and take 10% of the users.


This site is also very similar to WordPress, and it is completely free and open-source. Anyone can install it on their web browser and use the same for their benefit. However, unlike WordPress, Ghost is completely focused on simply publishing and blogging details. This also includes some built-in features to help users benefit from blogging on this platform. You can even monetize your blog through the use of this platform.


This is a complete website-building platform that also has an additional blogging feature. Several people know that Wix is best for paid plans. However, in reality, Wix also provides you with free plans that are effective to use. You can drag and use Wix to drop essential edits in place. There is also website-building functionality that helps in better blogging abilities for beginners.


This is also a free website builder software that includes blogging and other features. If you decide to use Weebly, you can check the drop and drag option and dedicatedly use it for your use. You need to remember when using Weebly that you can custom upgrade the name of the domain if you subscribe or use the paid version. It is very easy to start at Weebly, just register and select the template of your choice, and get started.

Now, you are aware of the latest free blogging platforms. So, choose the one you prefer the most and start blogging today!

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