How Many Girlfriends Can You Have at A time

The question itself sounds thrilling – isn’t it?
Especially if you are single and dreaming of having a girlfriend.
And if you have more than one, you are certainly interested in knowing how many girlfriends can you have at a time.

Well, there can be no definite answer to this. I sometimes wonder, why people would search for the answer to this question.
Because they are at a crossroads – they know it’s incorrect and not the right one. They need to get validation – they are doing it right.

How many girlfriends can I have at a time

Ideally, you should have one girlfriend at a time. It’s about commitment and sincerity.
And if you are just looking for a dating companion, are not sure about your relationship, have fun or are simply trying to be smart, you can have 3-4 or even more.

Okay, so it is fine to have more than one girlfriend at a time?
Yes, only if you are honest enough to confess it and let both your friends know. Ideally, you shouldn’t be pretending. If you are, that’s cheating.

Now, if you do not care about ethics or honesty – go ahead and do not confess. But then don’t forget the consequences when your girlfriends come to know.

You will lose either both of them or you might face the same situation as well. Your girlfriend too will have more guys in her life.

Yes, if you can date multiple women or girls at a time, remember – they can do that as well. And then you have no chance to complain.

How Many Girlfriends Can You Have at A time – First and foremost, why think about having so many?

Now, lets get certain things right.

Why do you want many girlfriends? 

  • You are finding something missing in your relationship?
  • Finding someone more interesting and attractive?
  • Just for fun?
  • Someone else is interested in you and you do not want to break her heart.
  • You just want to have someone else because in case your present relationship doesn’t work out?
  • It just happened and you couldn’t do much.
  • You lied initially and then it became too late to disclose.

Well, if you are already in such a relationship, I am sure it is one of the above reasons. So, you want to know if how many girlfriends can you have at a time.

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I have a friend who has two girlfriends and he is quite happy. There are many who are dating two or more girls at the same time.

Why not me? Is that something in your mind?

Sure, you can also. After all it’s your life. You can manage both your friends at a time, have ethical, moral or commitment problems, and you don’t care, go ahead.

But, if you are in a dilemma and have even 1% inhibition, glance through some consequences, which no one talks about. Remember, we are seeing only 1 side of the story. We don’t know exactly what is happening.

  • If you are cheating, be prepared to get cheated as well.
  • Time management will be a big problem. Have you ever thought about how will you celebrate Valentine’s Day together?
  • It’s fun but you have to manage the temperament of two ladies – of course, we all know, it’s easy. 🙂
  • Expenses will be double – be prepared.
  • What if they come to know?
  • If they know about each other – there will be jealousy. Ah, yes…if you say NO jealousy issues, understand that no one LOVES you. They are just having fun like you.

So, how many girlfriends can you have at a time?

Ask me personally, I would say – one.

Be happy with your friend, spend time with her and don’t worry about anything else in life. Why would you want to complicate things in your life?

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