How Do You Use Hashtags on Social Media? Increase your Reach

We see hashtags everywhere – whether it’s a Facebook page, Instagram page or X. But, how many of us actually know why hashtags are used? How do you use hashtags?

How Do You Use Hashtags In 2024, hashtags will continue to be a cornerstone of effective marketing on social media. As powerful tools for increasing reach, engagement, and visibility, hashtags play a crucial role in connecting with target audiences, building brand identity, and community growth.

The intricacies of hashtag marketing in 2024, along with valuable tips and best practices across various social media platforms are mentioned for everyone’s assistance.

How Do You Use Hashtags Without Understanding The Dynamics first?

Originally introduced on Twitter in 2007, hashtags have become integral across multiple social media platforms, providing a means of categorization and content delivery. They enhance user engagement and help algorithms recommend content to the right audience.

Hashtags are words or phrases preceded by the # sign, such as #socialmedia or #marketingtips. They label and categorise content, making it easily discoverable for users. Moreover, hashtags assist social media algorithms in understanding and recommending relevant content.

How do you use hashtags on Social Media Platforms in 2024?

Each social media platform has its own rules, features, and trends when it comes to hashtags. Therefore, you need to adapt your hashtag strategy according to the platform you are using and the goals you want to achieve.

How do you use hashtags on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most hashtag-friendly platforms, where hashtags can significantly boost your reach and engagement. You can use up to 30 hashtags per post and up to 10 hashtags per story, but the optimal number is between 3 and 5, according to Instagram’s recommendation. You can also follow hashtags on Instagram and see the top and most recent posts from other users who use them.


Some tips for using hashtags on Instagram are:

  • Use a mix of branded, niche, and trending hashtags, depending on your content and audience. Branded hashtags are hashtags that are unique to your brand, such as your brand name, tagline, or campaign name. Niche hashtags are hashtags that are specific to your industry, product, or service, such as #digitalmarketing or #skincare. Trending hashtags are hashtags that are popular or viral at the moment, such as #reels or #metaverse.
  • Use hashtags that are relevant, descriptive, and searchable, and avoid using too generic, vague, or spammy hashtags, such as #follow4follow or #likeforlike. You can use tools like Later’s Hashtag Tools to find and analyse relevant hashtags for your content and see their popularity, competition, and performance.
  • Use the hashtag in your caption or in the comment section, depending on your preference and style. Some users prefer to use hashtags in the caption, as it makes them more visible and accessible, while others prefer to use hashtags in the comment section, as it makes them more discreet and aesthetic. Either way, make sure to use hashtags as soon as you post your content, as Instagram prioritises the most recent posts in the hashtag search results.

How do you use hashtags onTwitter

Twitter is where hashtags originated and where they are still widely used and influential. You can use up to 280 characters per tweet, but the optimal number of hashtags is between 1 and 2, according to Twitter’s best practices. You can also follow hashtags on Twitter and see the top and latest tweets from other users who use them.

Some tips for using hashtags on Twitter are:

  • Use hashtags that are relevant, concise, and clear, and avoid using too long, complex, or confusing hashtags, such as #ilovehashtags. You can use tools like Hashtagify to find and analyse relevant hashtags for your tweets and see their popularity, trends, and influencers.
  • Use hashtags to create and participate in Twitter chats, polls, and contests, and engage with your followers, customers, and prospects. You can use hashtags to host or join Twitter chats, which are live, moderated, and scheduled conversations around a specific topic.

How do you use hashtags on Facebook

Facebook is one of the most hashtag-resistant platforms, where hashtags have less impact and usage. You can use up to 63,206 characters per post, but the optimal number of hashtags is between 0 and 2, according to Facebook’s research. You can also follow hashtags on Facebook and see the top and most recent posts from other users who use them.

Some tips for using hashtags on Facebook are:

  • Use hashtags that are relevant, specific, and strategic, and avoid using too many random or irrelevant hashtags, such as #love or #happy. You can use tools like RiteTag to find and analyse relevant hashtags for your posts and see their popularity, reach, and engagement.
  • Use hashtags that are branded, campaign- or event-based, and create a unique and memorable identity for your brand, product, or service. You can use hashtags that are exclusive to your brand, such as your brand name, slogan, or mascot, such as #CocaCola or #ShareACoke.

Whether maximising reach on Instagram, harnessing Twitter’s hashtag origins, or adapting to Facebook’s unique dynamics, the significance of hashtags in shaping social media narratives remains undeniable even as we enter 2024.

But, what will happen, if I do not use hashtags

Imagine social media is like a big library, and hashtags are like labels on the books. When you use hashtags, it’s like putting a label on your post so that people who are interested in that topic can find it easily.

If you don’t use hashtags, it’s like putting your book in the library without any labels. People might not notice it because it’s not standing out among all the other books.

For example, let’s say you post a picture of your delicious homemade pizza.

If you use hashtags like #homemadepizza or #foodie, it’s like putting those labels on your post. Now, when someone searches for “homemade pizza” or “foodie,” they can find your post and maybe even try your recipe.

But if you skip the hashtags, your pizza post might get lost in the sea of other food pictures, and fewer people might see or appreciate your culinary masterpiece.

So, in simple terms, using hashtags helps your posts get discovered by people who share similar interests, like a sign that says, “Hey, come check this out!”

What will happen if I use the wrong hashtags on Social media?

Using the wrong hashtags on social media is like putting the wrong labels on your library books. It can make it harder for people to find your posts because they’re looking for different topics.

For instance, let’s say you post a picture of your new pet cat, but you use hashtags like #cooking or #cars. Those hashtags don’t match your cat content, so people interested in cooking or cars won’t find your cute cat photo. It’s like trying to find a book about space in the gardening section—it just doesn’t fit, and people might not discover your post.

Using relevant hashtags is like putting the right labels on your books in the library. If you use hashtags like #cats or #petlovers, people who enjoy those topics can easily find and appreciate your adorable cat post. It’s like guiding them to the right section of the library where your book belongs.

In simple terms, using the wrong hashtags can make your posts go unnoticed by the audience you want to reach. It’s like speaking a different language that your potential audience doesn’t understand, and they might miss out on your content.

How do you use hashtags in your profile? Do drop a comment and let me know if any other strategy works for you?

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