How Can You Show Confidence in a Job Interview

A job interview can decide your future. Undoubtedly, you have to show confidence in a job interview. How? Dress well, don’t be scared, greet the interviewer with a smile and try not to have a scared or tensed expression. If you can manage to do this, you will be a step ahead.

Let’s get into the details of these – I know you are feeling that these are not easy when you are facing an interview for the first time.

True – but you can’t afford to look shaky and nervous even if you are. It is all about how you are able to present yourself. Isn’t it?

You Have Been Called for Interview – You are A Probable Candidate:

It’s a fact – if you have made to that room it means you have the capability and you deserve the job. Remember, you did not go there randomly – you went because you have the eligibility and you are there to compete (probably) with people who have the same capability as you.

So, stop feeling low, boost your confidence and give yourself a pat. Go ahead with the thought that you are capable of doing the work.

Your Dress Should Be Perfect:

Or rather appropriate. You have to be in formals that are in great condition.

  • Wear something formal, properly ironed and crisp.
  • Try to be away from extremely loud colors, flashy colors and bright colors. It can be distracting.
  • Wear something you are comfortable in. If you are smart and confident, it will not matter if you have the most expensive blazer or not.
  • Shoes should be comfortable and in good shape.
  • Women can tie or comb their hair neatly. Loud makeup isn’t always recommended.
  • Carry minimum accessories when you enter the interview room so that you have least distractions.

If you manage to maintain the above, you will be naturally confident!

It is all about looking simple, smart and confident.

However, you have to start early. Your confidence will come from your preparedness. Thus, it’s always good to face the interview after you are prepared.

Preparing for an Interview:

  • Find out more about the company. It can be extremely embarrassing if it is seen that you do not know what the company does or when it was formed.
  • Know more about the job role, responsibilities and the candidate profile.
  • Prepare yourself with answers like, why you consider yourself suitable for the job.
  • Try and find out the current status of the company. Its expectations and workculture.
  • If possible know a bit about the interviewer.
  • Rehearse certain questions and answers that you feel you might be asked.
  • Be prepared to answer about your future plans.

If you are a bit beforehand, you do not have to worry about the questions you might be asked. This will definitely boost your confidence to face the interview board.

Facing the Interview Board with Confidence

As you enter –

  • Switch OFF your mobile phone. No one likes the sound of vibrating phone or worst a ringing phone.
  • Walk straight into the room in confidence and first and foremost greet the interviewer with a smile.
  • Do not sit, until you are asked to. Be sure, you will be asked to sit soon.
  • As you sit down, put down your bag by your side if there is space.
  • Sit straight, do not slouch or lean forward on the table.
  • Look at the interviewers and be ready

The way a candidate enters the room, presents himself/herself and spends the first few minutes in the room plays a major role in selection. This is the time, the interviewer checks how confident the candidate is, if the person is fumbling or showing signs of nervousness.


Be Respectful:

Interviewers do not appreciate talkative candidates or one who shows too much confidence. Be a good listener. Do not ask too many questions or be over-enthusiastic about anything. Keep your tone low but loud enough to be heard. Do not speak in a monotonous tone.

Be Alert:

As long as you are in the room, you have to be alert. Be sure that you

  • Are polite and listen attentively.
  • Let the interviewer speak and then begin your answer.
  • Never interrupt the interviewer in between.
  • In case you cannot comprehend something, it’s best to ask rather than assume something and answer wrong.
  • Do not try to talk too much.
  • Do not fidget.
  • Be calm, composed and relaxed even if you have no clue what the other person is saying.
  • If you do not know some answer, you can politely say that. No need to pretend or answer something completely wrong.
  • Try not to be fidgety.
  • Always maintain an eye contact and smile when there is scope.

Your body language is extremely important because you will be judged mostly on your body language.

Respond Positively:

There might be some situations when the interview talks about situations, gives you scenarios and asks how would you react or tackle? You have to respond positively and say practical solutions.

Here you cannot say something to please the interviewer or to make him happy. He will instantly know that you are giving impractical solutions.

Remember to Thank Everyone as you leave:

Once you are done with the interview, remember to thank everyone present. Do not leave hurriedly, but be calm and walk away confidently.

And yes, shut the door softly so that you do not bang it.

That’s all – it doesn’t involves hours of preparedness. You just have to be yourself and carry yourself confidently

Why is Confidence Good in a Job Interview?

Recruiters love confident people because it reveals that the candidate has trust in his or her abilities. It gives an impression that the candidate can be an asset to the company. It is always a pleasure to talk to someone who is confident about their abilities.

What is the 1 Thing that you Should NEVER DO in an interview?

You should never lie to get a job. If you lie about anything, you might be in trouble later on. It is always good to tell the truth.

If you need the job, you have to work hard. There are many people who ruin good interviews just because of their body language and attitude. Do not do this. Every job is important.

An interesting Read: How to fall asleep When You Cant

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