How AI is fast Changing the World – Time to Adapt Ourselves and Use AI Smartly

After the rise of ChatGPT, the popularity of AI is growing at a rapid speed. AI is fast changing the world of content creators, digital marketers, programmers, coders, graphic designers, writers – you name an industry and AI has its presence there.

People are scared and wondering if AI is going to take away their jobs. No one knows what will happen in the future, but yes – the world is fast changing with AI.

What is Going to Happen to Jobs?

You ask ChatGPT a question – will it take away writers’ jobs?

It quickly says ‘No’. It is here to assist people do their jobs better, not to take away their jobs.

But is it so?

I have a friend who has been a freelance content writer for long. She was working on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr and was doing well for herself. But over the last few months, she has seen a rapid decrease in workflow?

How AI Change the World

What happened suddenly?

Yes, it is AI doing a chunk of work. There are many clients and buyers who are happy to save money as they can get their job done by AI. When AI tools can do it for almost FREE, why would one pay to content writers?

Sad, but true. Maybe in near future ( if this trend continues, all that we read on the web, will be content generated by AI).

So, what is the solution? Do we simply wait and watch?

No, we need to change and use AI to improve our skills, performance and quality of work. It’s too early to say how long AI shall remain in the limelight and if it will replace humans. But, till then, we can start thinking about ways to use AI to perform better.

How AI is fast Changing the World – The Digital Marketing Scenario

As AI becomes more prevalent in digital marketing as well, the role of marketers is changing. Marketers are no longer just responsible for creating campaigns and analyzing data; they are also responsible for overseeing and training AI systems, interpreting AI-generated insights, and translating those insights into actionable strategies.

But everything is not over. Adaptation is the way to survive.

With that being said, let’s look at how marketers can adapt to the changing landscape of digital marketing and embrace AI as a tool to enhance their skills and capabilities.

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Develop Technical Expertise.

With AI becoming an integral part of the marketing process, marketers need to develop technical expertise to work effectively with AI tools. This requires an understanding of how AI algorithms work, how to interpret AI-generated data, and how to train AI systems. Marketers need to become proficient in using AI tools to analyze data, generate insights, and optimize marketing campaigns.

Stay Current with AI Developments

As AI technology continues to evolve, marketers need to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in AI. By keeping abreast of AI trends and emerging technologies, marketers can identify new opportunities to leverage AI for their marketing strategies. They can also anticipate potential challenges and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Maintaining a Human Touch

Customers want to feel a connection with brands and businesses, and AI-generated content can sometimes lack that personal touch. Businesses in that case need to create campaigns that feel authentic and engaging, incorporating human elements like storytelling and emotional appeals. Marketers can create campaigns that resonate with their audience and drive business success by balancing the power of AI with the human touch of effective marketing.

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Embrace AI as a Tool

Rather than seeing AI as a threat to their jobs, marketers should embrace AI as a tool to enhance their skills and capabilities. AI can automate routine tasks, free up time for more complex tasks, and generate valuable insights that can inform marketing strategies. By embracing AI, marketers can work more efficiently and effectively, delivering better results for their clients or businesses.

Focus On Creativity And Strategy

While AI can handle routine tasks and generate insights, it’s up to human marketers to use those insights to create effective campaigns that resonate with their audiences. Marketers should focus on developing their creativity and strategic thinking to create campaigns that engage their target audience and drive business growth. By combining AI-generated insights with human creativity and strategy, marketers can create campaigns that are more effective and impactful.

Collaborate With Data Scientists

As AI-generated data becomes a crucial part of marketing, marketers need to work closely with data scientists to make sense of the data and generate actionable insights. By collaborating with data scientists, marketers can identify trends, patterns, and opportunities that would be difficult to detect without AI. Marketers can use this information to create targeted campaigns that deliver better results.

By working together with AI, marketers can achieve great success and create a positive future for the digital marketing industry.

Using AI to Excel as a Social Media Marketing Expert – How AI is fast Changing the World

In the coming few years, there is no telling how much influence A.I. will have on our world, society, and business strategies. While social media marketing is still one of the best ways to build a successful business, we feel that AI is close to changing SMM forever. But keeping up with the ever-changing algorithms, trends, and consumer behavior can be challenging for marketers over time.

That’s where tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) come in handy. If you wish to exceed your client’s expectations, here are five ways AI can help you:

Use AI-powered social media listening tools

An SMM expert must have the skill of social media listening, and now that is easy with AI-powered tools. Using an intelligent tool to monitor social media platforms for specific keywords, hashtags, and mentions is better than spending hours on it. Analyzing social media conversations helps expert marketers identify potential customer pain points, receive product feedback, and keep track of industry trends.

Knowing these things, an expert can tailor the social media content, ads, and campaigns to the specific needs of their audience.

The usual social media listening tools are Hootsuite Insight Brandwatch, and Sprout Social. These use natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to analyze social media conversations and identify relevant insights.

Try AI-Powered Chatbots To Engage With Customers

Engaging with customers in a positive way does a great job for any brand in retaining customers and increasing brand loyalty. But AI-powered chatbots can do it effectively, as they are programmed to simulate human conversations with customers. They come with an easy integration option for social media platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and Instagram. AI-powered chatbots use machine learning algorithms to improve their conversational abilities over time.

Using chatbots, you can automate customer service, answer frequently asked questions, and personalize customer interactions without having expertise in them. Furthermore, these services are available 24/7, which means it doesn’t take too long to respond to customer inquiries.

Create Content With AI-Powered Tools

Creating social media content can be time-consuming and leave you at the end of your wits after a point. Fortunately, AI-powered content creation tools are being developed and launched to help marketers streamline their content creation process. These tools use the same NLP algorithms we mentioned earlier to generate content ideas, headlines, and even full articles.

Some popular tools that are already available on the market for SMM experts are Articoolo, Wordsmith, and These tools use machine learning algorithms to learn from the marketer’s writing style and create content that is personalized to their brand.

Use AI For Predictive Analytics

By predictive analytics, we mean using historical data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes. For SMM specialists, it’s difficult yet necessary to run predictive analytics and plan ahead. Rather than doing it manually, one could use A.I. predictive analytics tools to predict customer behavior and optimize marketing strategies.

IBM Watson Analytics, Google Analytics, and Adobe Analytics are typically being used these days by SMM experts for predictive analytics. These share insights into the best time to post on social media, the most engaging type of content, and the most effective ad targeting strategies.

Bonus: A Non-AI Method To Improve With Professional SMM Courses

From the aforementioned information, it’s easy to think of A.I. as your sole aid in handling social media as an expert, but that’s hardly the truth. Increasing your knowledge through a practical approach and learning from social media marketing specialists is still the best way to improve.

This can be done with professional SMM courses available either online or in-person, depending on availability. By enrolling in such a course, you will get 24/7 assistance from a professional who has worked in the industry.

SMM courses prepare you for the job and its difficulties better than any AI-powered tool can. So it would be a better utilization of your resources to hone your social media marketing skills through a professional course.

With AI tools, SMM experts can streamline their strategies and improve their overall results, but opting for a career-building and certified professional course should be at the top of the list.

Will AI Change the Face of SEO

In the past few months, artificial intelligence has taken the forefront of almost every digital sector including Search Engine Optimization. But that does not have to be a bad thing.

Change is necessary for the improvement and growth of SEO, according to experts around the globe. But whenever we see a technological leap in the world, doubts and fear grow along with new opportunities.

Similarly, SEO executives are scared that artificial intelligence is going to replace SEO but they can’t be farther than the truth. Let’s check out how AI will change SEO and 5 tips one can use to integrate this technology to SEO.

So, first things first, let’s get to know how artificial intelligence is going to transform what we know as SEO. Here’s how –

Keyword Research

Being a critical part of traditional SEO, keyword research will no longer remain the same after the inclusion of artificial intelligence. But that’s good news for SEO enthusiasts because it means spending less time on keyword research, properly analyzing anchor text, etc.

Content Creation

Use of SEO best practices are evident on high-performance content, but the process of content creation will change soon enough. AI which comes with Natural Language Processing will prioritize content that refers to exact user’s query. Thus, demand for to-the-point and relevant content will take the center stage.

Ranking Growth, Analysis

SEO specialists need to analyze a site’s ranking growth meticulously to know what needs to be done. While Google analytics has served as the ultimate tool for that purpose, with the emergence of AI it could change soon. There are tools and methods to find our ranking growth and present with corrections whenever required.

Search Engine Algorithms

We already know that the world’s leading search engine i.e., Google constantly changes its algorithm. As people do not have when such changes are implemented, they tend to rely on frequent site audits which can take a while. But in future, we can see AI performing such site audits in a timely fashion without causing any stress.

5 Tips for Integrating AI In SEO

Now that we have already discussed some of the noticeable and foundational ways the artificial intelligence technology stands to transform SEO, let’s talk about integration of AI in SEO in the best possible way:

  1. Using AI-based SEO tools is practically the best way to integrate AI in your SEO.
  2. Marketers are using AI and similarly, it’s time for SEO specialists to do the same.
  3. SEO optimizing any content 100% could take hours but using AI requires a few seconds.
  4. Entire websites including text, code, and content can now be optimized with the help of AI.
  5. Try using AI to prioritize high-quality link building so that SEO-friendly content ranks higher.

When you harness the true potential of artificial intelligence, opportunities become limitless. The are just a way to incorporate this world-changing technology with SEO.

The rest is up to you to find, test, and utilize to the best of your abilities.

Top AI SEO Tools in 2023

Search engine optimization forms one of the most critical steps when creating and maintaining a website. When implemented correctly, it can help a brand rank higher in search engine results pages, boosting organic traffic and increasing sales as a result. However, this is a time-consuming process which involves a lot of skills such as keyword research and producing good SEO content.

This is where artificial intelligence comes into play, as certain tools can automate some aspects of the process.  That being said, here are some of the best AI SEO tools one can use for better returns.

Alli AI

Alli AI offers a wealth of features to simplify SEO management. It makes on-page SEO optimization easy by creating site-wide optimization rules with a single click. It can also generate things like Meta descriptions, page titles and other information for pages and posts, allowing you to do more in less time.

After an initial scan, Alli SEO generates fresh suggestions aimed at improving SEO which can be implemented in a single click.

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is an AI SEO tool that uses a natural language processing model to do the job for you. It also makes the optimization process easier by seamlessly integrating with WordPress and other CMS platforms.

It starts by analyzing the keywords and the content of your competitors by using the NLP model and suggests keyword density and usage in the content. Other information provided by it includes the number of words, headings, paragraphs, and images needed.


Semrush is one of the best-known tools in the Search Engine Optimization space. This powerful tool allows you to research keywords, optimize on-page SEO and perform keyword gap analysis. You can easily perform a host of functions ranging from tracking keywords, building links and configuring local SEO.

It has seventy-six powerful AI SEO tools, including an efficient writing assistant which helps optimize blogs, social media posts and Amazon products.


Frase is one of the best AI content-writing tools that can create high-quality content in a fraction of the time needed. You can easily use these powerful tools to identify keywords, optimise current content and achieve better rankings. Frase additionally provides insights into how a website performs against competitors in terms of search engine optimization.


Diib is a powerful AI SEO tool that provides you with powerful features under one comprehensive platform. It allows you to enhance search engine rankings, gain insight into competitors and explore growth opportunities. It goes one step beyond by offering services such as social analytics and page speed insights that evaluate your performance on social media sites.

SE Ranking

SE Ranking is the next AI SEO tool in this list when it comes to boosting website traffic. One of the biggest features it provides is the rank tracker which automatically monitors the performance of keywords by comparing them with competitors.

Additionally, the AI-powered tool also provides a comprehensive overview of the client’s website, while the on-page SEO checker optimizes the content for maximum impact.

Can I Rank

Can I Rank is one of those tools that takes a unique effort to SEO by gathering information from other SEO services instead of solely relying on its own data. It provides valuable opportunities, insights and recommendations. Additionally, it makes keyword research and link-building very easy to implement.

Whether you need to add a Meta description or quickly identify a missing alt tag, these tools have got you covered. With more tools being released frequently, using AI in SEO is starting to become a normal part of the process.





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