Fastest Way To Make Money Blogging – Is That Possible for Beginners?

A few years back, writing a blog was considered just another hobby that many people were engaged in addition to their real, full-time job. People have gone restless and look for the fastest way to make money by blogging. Honestly, that is not possible and earning from a blog does take time.

You need to buy a domain, host it, select a niche, do keyword research, start writing high-quality valuable articles, post them online, build backlinks and create an audience. Once you have an audience, you can apply for Google Adsense or approach others to advertise on your blog. Honestly, this takes time.

Blogging has now become a profitable online profession but the truth is that it involves a lot of hard work and lots of research. There can never be one fastest way to make money blogging. If this was the situation, then everybody would do so and become rich. Isn’t it.

So, lets understand the hard work you have to do and of course the rewards will be high. It might not be a fast way for you, but it’s worth trying.

There are a few myths related Fastest Way to Make Money Blogging that need to be busted.

Myth 1: It is Posssible Earn Money with Blogger in 12 Minutes

If money making would be that simple and easy, everybody would do so and in 12 minutes. No, it doesn’t happen.

Then How to make money from Blogger?

If you want to earn money by blogging and using blogger, you have to follow the following steps.

  • First and foremost, think about a niche -always think about something that you love or would enjoy writing
  • Sign-Up with Blogger and Set-up your blog
  • Write high-quality content, use keywords and don’t forget that research is important. Your audience needs value from your article. So, don’t just churn words in a hurry.
  • Be consistent and create content regularly.
  • Follow SEO practices and build backlinks.
  • Promote your blog because you will need audience.
  • To earn money from your blog, you can try Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored posts, Banner Ads, product reviews and even sell courses or ebooks.

So, whoever tells you that you can earn money with Blogger in 12 minutes, is not telling you the truth.

Since you want to earn money from bloggers – let me cheer you up. Of course, hard work pays

“If you have 1000 views and your blog is monetized, you are definitely going to earn $2-$5. So keep the hard work on. Blogging is one of the most popular ways of earning passive income”

Now the question that will come in your mind – How to Get 1000 views per day on Blogger? is the hard work. It doesn’t happen in a day or in one single day unless you already have a big audience ready for you.

To get 1000 views per day on Blogger, you have to get started by following these steps: (Assuming you have created a blog and are ready to get going.)

Step 1: Plan your content in advance – look for a trending topic.

Step 2: Do keyword research and use low-competition keywords that will help you rank.

Step 3: Write a catchy headline.

Step 4: Write long-form valuable content of around 2000 words. Keep it engaging and that answers the query when it’s ready.

Step 5: Build backlinks, promote your blog everywhere. It is a big task to build an audience.

Step 6: Repeat and ensure that you are consistent with your efforts. The best way is to prepare a content calendar.

That’s a lot of work, but remember that there are thousands of successful bloggers who are earning money like this.

Tips for those who are just starting and need a bit of motivation.

1: Be Patient – No views, no traffic? Doesn’t matter. Be consistent and hopeful. If others can, why can’t you

2: Do everything you can to promote your blog. Don’t have to just follow what others are doing – you can create your own way.

3: If you are NOT getting success through one way of making money from your blog, don’t worry. There are many other ways to make money from a blog.

Usual Ways to Earn Money from Your Blog:

Experts believe that there are dozens of ways to earn money from your blog. However, consistency is always important and quality should never be compromised.

Here are some of the best ways:

Ad networks:

Using ad networks are the easiest and most used methods you can use to monetize a blog. Google AdSense is one of the best ad networks that are used widely. However, one needs a blog to get approval on these ad networks. They present ads based on the article’s context and user interest, which can provide a method of receiving recurring income.

Affiliate marketing:

Another way to monetize a blog is to use affiliate advertisements. Bloggers everywhere have started using this to monetize their blogs. Amazon Affiliate Program, ShareASale, PartnerStack and ImpactRadius are some of the most popular affiliate marketing marketplaces.

One advantage of this method is that it can be used on any blogging site such as LinkedIn, Medium, Squarespace, Wix, BlogSpot and others.

Native advertising:

Native advertising refers to a type of advertising in which digital ads are visually presented in the same format as the media in which they appear. This method can work well in blogs that present news or job portals. AdSense, Mgid, and Outbrain are just some of the native advertising solutions available.

Running campaigns for brands:

Bloggers can earn a lot of money using this method if they have an established audience base. You can easily assist brands to reach their target audience by running campaigns on their behalf. You can use various facets of digital marketing such as brand collaboration and paid ads to achieve your goals.

Offer services:

You can use your blog to start offering various services such as content writing, logo creation, SEO and others.  All one needs to do is create a new page on the blog and list the services being offered. To ensure maximum visibility,  you should include a link to that page in the navigation bar of the blog.

Read: How to start career as content writer

Sponsored product reviews and posts:

Every company wants social evidence that can convince their customers that buying the product is worthwhile. By contacting any of the brands you frequently use, you can ask them whether they would like to sponsor you to review their products on your blog. This way you can earn money by sharing an opinion or review on a product.

Banner Ads:

If you have an authority blog, others might want to place their banner ads on your website. You can make a lot of money through banner ads placement. However, your blog needs to have good traffic to attract buyers.

Fastest Way To Make Money Blogging – Frequently Asked Questions

Can I earn from blogging in 1 month as I start?

No, it will not be possible to earn money from blogging in 1 month because for any new site, it does take 6-7 months to get visitors. You have to build backlinks and promote your site.

Is it hard to become a successful blogger?

It takes time, energy, patience and plenty of hard work to be a successful blogger.

How Long Does it Take a Blog to Be Successful? What is the fastest way to make money blogging?

It depends a lot on your blog, your niche, your quality content, how you promote it, the topics you choose and related factors. As I said earlier, there is no fastest way to make money blogging. It can take anywhere between 6 months to 2 years if you put in a lot of hard work.

How do beginner blogs make money?

The fastest way to make money blogging is through display advertising. You can display ads on Google. You can also rent your space to others and receive a commission from them to display their ads.

Does Blogging really make money?

For beginners, it is a great way to earn money. There are various methods by which bloggers can earn money such as through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, reviewing products, services and more.

Final Thoughts:

Monetizing a blog has become one of the most profitable things one can do on the internet with simple skills. Once you have prepared a solid content strategy after growing an online presence, you can start turning your attention towards monetizing.

To learn about the various techniques and nuances of content and blog writing, you should enroll yourself with a reputed digital marketing agency.

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