Digital Marketing Skills – 6 Skills to Succeed

Digital marketing skills – yes, you need to have certain skills to succeed as a digital marketing manager.

There is no denying of that!

Businesses today are increasingly relying on digital marketing to reach their target audience and drive growth. The field of digital marketing has changed rapidly since its inception.

From algorithm updates to changing customer behaviour, there is a lot to catch up on if you are willing to stay on top. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting your career, it’s essential to develop the right skills to stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Skills

So, if you’re ready to step up your game, here are six skills that can help you succeed as a digital marketer.

Skill NUMBER 1: Social media savviness

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it’s no surprise that it plays a crucial role in digital marketing. To succeed as a digital marketer, you need to be social media savvy.

Being good at social media is really important for marketing nowadays.

To be great at it, you’ve got to know how different places like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn work. You should know how to make interesting stuff that people want to see, talk to your followers, and use social media to make more people know about a brand and buy its stuff.

So, brush up your social skills, to improve your digital marketing skills.

The Glossier Story

For example, there’s this makeup company called Glossier. They made a special group on Facebook where people who liked their makeup could chat, share tips, and talk about products. This made the customers feel special and they told their friends, making Glossier really popular.

Instagram with Pictures and Stories

Then there’s Instagram, where you need cool pictures and stories. National Geographic is super good at this. They post amazing photos and stories about nature. Loads of people follow them because they’re so good at showing cool stuff.

How Wendy Made an Impact on Twitter

Twitter is different because you need to say things in a short, interesting way. Wendy’s, the fast-food place, is funny on Twitter. They make jokes and talk in a fun way. People like it and share it with their friends.

How Hubspot Uses LinkedIn

LinkedIn is more serious because it’s for jobs and work things. HubSpot, a company that helps with marketing, is awesome on LinkedIn. They share smart things about marketing that people want to know. This makes them a trusted source for information.

But being good at social media isn’t just about knowing the platforms.

It’s also about learning new things, looking at the numbers to see what works, and being quick to change your plans. Oreo is great at this. During big events like the Super Bowl, they make quick ads that everybody talks about. They’re fast and get lots of attention.

So, being good at social media means more than just being there. It’s about making interesting things, talking to people, and changing what you do to fit what’s happening. It helps brands make friends and sell more stuff in today’s digital world.

Skill NUMBER 2: Content creation, Top Digital Marketing Skills

Creating great content is like ruling the digital marketing world.

No wonders, content creation is one of the top digital marketing skills a person needs to have. Whether it’s writing blogs, making videos, or sharing updates on social media, being able to make stuff that people love is super important.

Content is king in the digital marketing realm. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, or social media updates, the ability to create compelling content is a valuable skill.

The real trick to making awesome content is storytelling. Everyone loves a good story, so when you’re creating stuff, use your imagination to tell stories that really grab people’s attention.

The secret sauce?

Make sure your stories are helpful and interesting for the people you want to reach.

Patagonia, an outdoor clothing company – Their Story

Let’s take the example of Patagonia, an outdoor clothing company. They don’t just post about their products; they tell stories about environmental issues and adventures. Their content isn’t just about selling jackets; it’s about sharing values and creating a community around their brand. People connect with these stories and feel closer to the brand.

Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign

Another example is Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign. Instead of just talking about soap, they made videos and articles celebrating different types of beauty. They told stories that made people feel good about themselves, and that got lots of attention and love.

Remember, good content isn’t just about selling stuff; it’s about making people feel something. If you can tell stories that matter to your audience and help them in some way, you’re on the right track to winning at digital marketing.

Skill NUMBER 3: Data analysis one of the top Digital Marketing Skills

Digital marketing provides us with a wealth of data, but without the ability to analyse and interpret it, that data is just noise. To succeed as a digital marketer, you must develop strong analytical skills.

Learn how to track and measure the performance of your campaigns, identify trends and patterns, and make data-driven decisions. Tools like Google Analytics can help you gather insights about your audience, website traffic, and campaign effectiveness.

NetFlix Story

Let’s dive deeper. Take Netflix, for instance.

They’re masters at using data to understand what shows people watch, when they watch them, and even when they pause or rewind. With this data, they create new shows that they know people will love. For example, the show “House of Cards” was actually developed based on data they had about what their viewers liked. It became a huge hit!

Another cool example is Spotify.

They collect data on what music you listen to and then use that to suggest other songs or artists you might enjoy. That’s why their “Discover Weekly” playlists feel so personalized—they’re based on your unique listening habits.

And Google itself is a champion at using data.

Google Search uses algorithms that consider what people are searching for to provide the most relevant results. Advertisers use Google Analytics to understand who’s visiting their websites, what they’re interested in, and if their ads are working well. This helps them tweak their strategies to reach the right audience effectively.

In digital marketing, being able to understand data isn’t just about looking at numbers; it’s about finding insights that help you make better decisions.

Whether it’s figuring out what products to create, what content to share, or who to target with ads, data analysis is the key to making smart moves in the ever-evolving digital world.

Skill NUMBER 4 -Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation is the process of optimising your website to improve its visibility in search engine results.

As a digital marketer, understanding the basics of SEO is crucial. Familiarise yourself with keyword research, on-page optimisation, and link-building strategies. By optimising your content for search engines, you can increase organic traffic to your website and enhance your brand’s online presence.

Skill NUMBER 4 – Paid advertising

While organic traffic is valuable, paid advertising can help you reach a broader audience and achieve faster results. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads allow you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviours.

As a digital marketer, you need to know how to set up and manage effective paid advertising campaigns. Keep updating your digital marketing skills, learn how to optimise your ad spend, create compelling ad copy, and monitor campaign performance to maximise your return on investment.

Skill NUMBER 5 – Adaptability

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, adaptability is a key skill. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies, trends, and platforms emerging regularly. To succeed as a digital marketer, you must be willing to learn and adapt to these changes.

Stay up-to-date with industry news, attend webinars and conferences, and continuously expand your knowledge and skill set. Embrace new technologies and be open to experimenting with different strategies to stay ahead of the competition. It’s all about to keep updating your digital marketing skills.

Let’s look at TikTok – as One of the Most Popular Digital Marketing Skills

It exploded onto the scene with short, catchy videos and quickly became a hotspot for marketers to reach younger audiences.

Brands like Chipotle and the NBA jumped on board early, creating fun and engaging content tailored to TikTok’s style. Their willingness to adapt to this new platform helped them connect with a demographic that might have been harder to reach on traditional platforms.

Then there’s the rise of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

IKEA, for instance, introduced an AR app that allows customers to virtually place furniture in their homes before buying. This innovative approach reshaped the furniture shopping experience, showcasing how adapting to new tech can revolutionize customer engagement.

How Email Marketing Has Evolved As Digital Marketing Skills

A great example of adaptability is how email marketing has evolved. Brands used to blast out generic emails, but now they’re focusing on personalization and automation.

Companies like Netflix and Amazon track your behavior to send targeted emails, recommending shows or products based on your preferences. This adaptability to more personalized communication has boosted customer engagement and sales.

Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the shift to remote work and online shopping accelerated. Digital marketers swiftly adapted their strategies.

The Rise of Online Food Ordering and Delivery

Restaurants embraced online ordering and delivery, fitness brands offered virtual classes, and even luxury fashion houses enhanced their online presence with immersive digital experiences like virtual fashion shows. Those who quickly adapted to these changes stayed relevant and even thrived during uncertain times.

Adaptability in digital marketing isn’t just about keeping up with trends; it’s about spotting opportunities and being open to trying new things. It’s about being agile and ready to pivot when needed, ensuring that your strategies remain effective and your brand stays connected to your audience in an ever-evolving digital landscape.


Digital marketing skills are a combination of technical skills and creativity. By honing these skills, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the ever-changing digital marketing landscape. Make sure to stay curious, keep learning, and take on the exciting challenges that come with being a digital marketer with enthusiasm.

So, if you are thinking about choosing this as a career, remember you have to keep updating your digital marketing skills throughout your life.


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