Conversational Content – Writing as You Talk

I was told that conversational content is what we need now!

Well – I did not know much of this when I started my career, but perhaps it’s needed now. Do search engines love it or do the audience love it? If these are your exact thoughts, I might be able to help you a bit. Keep reading as we dive into conversational content.

How much do content writers earnFirst – what is conversational content?

There is no thumb-rule. It is the content written in the tone of a conversation. Now, what does it mean?

It means, you will write just as you talk.

Interesting – isn’t it?

But what about sentence construction, paragraph, tone, language skills, writing ethics? All that is not needed?, perhaps Not.

So, how do we get started?

  • Ask Questions That Engage the Readers

Now, for a second, think about all that you have read till now. Wasn’t like I was having a conversation with you or was it like an article?

Right – this is what conversational content is all about. It can begin with a question – it makes the reader think, relate and understand the content. This is where the engagement begins.

So, we can say, it is all about asking the right questions and NOT just random questions. You have to ask your readers something which makes them reflect or think.

As a writer, you have to strike a conversation with your reader – they will answer you silently and wouldn’t even realize that they have ready more than 500 words of content.

It is about hijacking the attention of the reader – it is about making a reader think so.

Let’s see an example of an introduction

Do you often scratch your head when you need to buy some jewellery for your girlfriend? How do you choose what to buy? From where do you buy? How do judge the quality or ensure that the design is trendy?

So, that was conversational content – more like someone talking to you and lesser of you are writing an article.

2) Short Sentences are What You Need

Did you notice that shorter sentences are easy to understand?
Long sentences tend to be complex and contain too much information. Besides they tend to get complex. New writers face issues with grammar, sentence construction, lengthy sentences, and many other things.
Any sentence which is short is easy to process and relate to.
When we talk, we tend to speak in short sentences. Then why write long sentences and confuse your readers or strain them to understand what you are writing. An occasional mid-size sentence is fine but try to stay away from long sentences overall.
Have a look at this content, you will understand what I mean:

We all love to travel and explore. Some love beaches. Some are fond of mountains. Many others just love to travel. It is just about moving out of your home and seeing new destinations and exploring places.  Each place has something new to offer and people travel just for it.

Check how short some sentences are. They are relatable and will capture your mind and you are compelled to think about what you write.

3) No – Your Readers Do Not Need Complex Words

Simple words are easy to grasp. They do not require additional decoding. No stress in trying to understand them.

Complex words will NEVER impress your readers. In fact, they are just a sign that it’s a writer showcasing his/her English skills. Who wants that?

Online content is written to attract the attention of readers and not to turn them away.

Whenever I come across an article loaded with big words and complex sentences, it’s a simple reminder for me, that there is a writer at work. It reminds me that the vocabulary of the writer is much better than mine. Perhaps more qualified than me?

Definitely its not my cup of tea to understand what the article is about.

Keep in mind, that if your article reminds the writer that there is someone at work, it shatters the whole purpose of writing.

When you are writing web content, it is for your readers to get the information they want.

It is not for scaring them away with your linguistic skills.

Just keep it interesting and simple – that is all about conversational content.

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4)  Mind the Grammar

Grammar – do not let it handcuff your talent.

For many writers, taking care of grammar, sentence construction and article structure occupies a major role. They forget that it is the reader, who is important.

Readers look for something that is unique. There are scores of websites offering the same kind of information and the same type of content.

Why would they come to your website? Thus, focus on your readers and write in a language that they would love to read.

5) Stay Away from Big Chunks of Content

Never write large paragraphs because no one likes to read long paragraphs. Keep your paragraphs short and interesting.

If you are writing something worth noting, you can highlight it. You can write it in bold which will catch the attention of the readers.

If there is a need to write long paragraphs because you have a lot to write, break it into bullet points or sub-headings. Sub-headings will make the content easy to read for your readers.

6) Use More of ‘You’ and ‘We’

If you are writing conversational content, you are more likely to converse with your readers. So, instead of writing about someone else, address the reader as ‘you’.

Use more of YOU and We. Talk to the reader as if you are talking to them and you know them. You have to ensure that your readers are relating to what you are saying.

How will it feel when someone is talking to you but the conversation does not relate to you. You simply do not have any interest in what the person is saying.  There will be a time when you will stop paying attention.

But if the person seeks your opinion, asks you questions, and considers your opinion, you are definitely going to feel wanted.

Isn’t it?

7) Use Examples

It is always good when you use examples when you are explaining something. You can use real-life examples, put up some real-life situations, images, videos. These are a lot relatable to what is happening.

Using examples will ensure that your readers are not bored.

Conversational content is like conversing with your reader. It is all about ensuring that your reader stays on your page.

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