Content Writing Habits That You Should Kick Off Before You Join The Next Company

Content writers all over the world have their own writing styles. They have their own researching technique and their unique way of presenting the information. Meeting deadlines and ensuring that the content fulfills the requirements of readers is never an easy task.

In the process of achieving their job goals, deadlines, or in a hurry to finish off work, content writers tend to develop certain bad habits.

Some of these content writing habits help writers be successful in the long-run while others might pose as a big difficulty.

Hold on – these habits are NOT that bad. It is just that they at times do not do justice or are not honest with their work.

Does this sound confusing?

Well, if you are someone who orders content, then you do not have to be alarmed. No, your content writer ( if you manage to hire a good one) will not do something that is harmful to your business.

However, there are a few things, content writers do indulge in. If you are a content writer, you already know what I mean. For all others, I will explain it a bit more.

Lets check some of these content writing habits that many writers tend to develop.

#1 – Not Proofreading

Let us admit it, we all have done it.

Imagine a situation – you have a party to attend and you are already late. You have a 2000 words article right in front of you. You know you have proofread it while writing, but it still needs your attention.

What is your option? Spend a little more time and read it or……..just read the first two paragraphs. Ahh…we all know that clients read the first few lines only. So, what not take a chance?

Yes, most of us do it – especially those days when we have a lot of work and time is a problem. It’s done when we are tired and exhausted and feel so drained. But remember, if you are overloaded with work, is that your client’s fault?

Your client has paid your dues and deserves nothing but just the best. Besides, in my experience, I have seen that not proofreading becomes a bad habit. If you already have this habit and planning to join another company, try and get rid of the habit before you join.

#2 – Not Researching Enough Because You Know The Subject

This is another major problem and I can say a bad habit. Researching is an essential part of content writing which cannot be compromised.

But, what if you know the topic quite well? What if you have studied it and do not need help?

Even if you are an expert, you still need to do a bit of research, unless your client has asked your views on the subjects or your thoughts are essential.

Content Writing Habits Why researching is essential?

  • Researching helps in getting a variety of perspectives
  • You get to know the trending topics/news/what people are talking about on the subject
  • Your own opinions and views might be outdated and even factually wrong
  • If you research you might get some interesting facts/views

For example, while I choose to write this blog, there are a few things I can write from my own. I do not need to research to write these. I can write from my experience but what about the experience of others?

For that, I need to do my research. How am I supposed to know what other writers go through? And yes, for this I need to seek help from Google.

Besides, what I feel is, what’s the reason not to research? If you are skipping it, you are not doing your job well. And if you are skipping it continuously, you might develop a bad habit.

#3 – Writing on Just One or Two Niches

All writers have their comfort zones – but wouldn’t it be nice to come out of your comfort zone and try to write other niches as well?

Most writers have their choices of topics – someone might love to write travel articles, someone else may love to write technical articles. But, remember being content you can specialize in writing a certain style but you need to be able to write on different niches as well.

Now, why? You might ask what’s the need? There are many companies that look for writers who specialize in a specific niche. Yes, it is true, but these companies are limited.

Specializing in a Niche

Let’s see a real-life example – One of my friends specializes in forex articles. She loves anything related to forex and eagerly takes up assignments in her company. Her team lead wanted to give other writers a scope and decided to assign her another niche so that other writers get a scope to write forex.

It annoyed my friend and she quit. Now the problem – she isn’t getting the job she needs. She doesn’t have experience in writing other content which includes sales copywriting.

Remember, if you are a professional writer, you cannot be choosy. If you are in a job and you are choosy, its a heads-up for you. Write all types of content you get your way.

#4 – Being Excessively Salesly All The While

Well, it’s a common problem. Many writers have this habit of bringing in that unwanted sales pitch.

We agree that sales pitch or tone is at times necessary, but not always. If you are just writing to ensure sales or with information that promotes a brand, service, or product, it will not be liked by search engines and to a certain extent your audience.

Thus, refrain from writing in an excessively promotional tone. For example, if you are writing about an excessively sensational topic – that’s sales tone or pitch is never needed.

And yes, do not use too many exclamation marks or CTA’s as well. In some types of articles there is actually no need of calling out to readers.

For example, how would you feel if I write down here ‘What are you waiting for? Write your new content keeping in mind the above factors, right now!!’

Isn’t that too much? It is a bad habit of many writers and it is necessary to overcome this.

#5 – Content Writing Habits Of New Writers – writing with an eye on the keyword

All bloggers and writers will agree that unless it’s something for our own blog, we all write while keeping an eye on the word count. Though that’s a healthy practice, many writers develop a habit of writing only to achieve the word count.

The focus is meeting the word count and when it is the main focus of the writer, the article or the blog will never be of good quality. All that reader will get is

  • Repetitive information
  • Beating about the bush
  • Use of information that isn’t of use
  • Long conclusion ( its a trick used by many writers, so that the word count is hit soon enough)

Also, I have seen in my articles, the writer starts explaining the topic really well. The introduction, body and other parts of the article are well-written, but then the article ends suddenly.

Wondering -why? The writer soon realized that the word count is hit – so just end it!

No, it isn’t the proper way to end an article. If you do not wish to write more than the word count assigned to you, its a good idea to plan out the article well. If you have an outline of the article, you are never going to lose focus on the article or its structure.

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