Can Autism Be Detected During Pregnancy?

When the Doctor told us my nephew had autism, the first question that came in our mind “now what” – “Can autism be cured?” But for everyone else in our family and social cycle, people started talking about the unfortunate situation, destiny, and if autism can be detected during pregnancy? No, it is usually not detected before the child is 2 years old.

It’s 2023 now and even today, there is no study that reveals that autism can be detected during pregnancy.
So, can you prevent autism during pregnancy?
The question doesn’t arise because you are not even aware that your child is autistic.

Read: Symptoms of Autism in Toddlers

High Risk for Autism?

There is no definite answer to this, but there are certain factors that are known to increase the likelihood of a person having autism.

Parental Age:

There are studies that suggest a probable link between older parental age (both maternal and paternal) at the time of conception and a slightly increased risk of autism in offspring. But this is not proven – and there are thousands of autistic children whose parents are within the age of 25.


If you have a family history of autism, then the risk is always high. If a sibling or parent has autism, there is a higher likelihood that another child in the family might also be diagnosed with ASD.

However, there are still many families where only one child is within the spectrum and others are not. So, genetics is a possibility but not the cause.

There Might be Some Medical Conditions:

Certain genetic and chromosomal disorders, such as Fragile X syndrome and Rett syndrome, are associated with a higher risk of autism. However, research is still on.

Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight:

Babies born prematurely or with low birth weight may be at a slightly higher risk for autism. But then again, all babies are not autistic.

Prenatal Factors: Exposure to certain prenatal factors, such as maternal infections during pregnancy, maternal diabetes, and certain medications, may increase the risk of autism.

Environmental Factors:

While there is ongoing research in this area, certain environmental factors, such as exposure to certain chemicals or toxins during pregnancy, have been suggested as potential contributors to the risk of autism.

So, as many people worry and ask if there is any way to prevent autism – the answer is unfortunately NO. At this time, there is nothing that can be done.

Facts About – Can You Prevent Autism:

  • Doctors do not know the cause of autism.
  • There is no way to find out during pregnancy if the baby will have autism.
  • It is not detected as soon as the baby is born.

So, what can be done?

Preventing Autism in Pregnancy

Women can try out some lifestyle changes that can help in having a healthy baby.

No, it’s not possible. However, it is possible to increase the odds of having a healthy baby. It is about living healthy, going for regular check-ups, eating right, exercising and staying happy.

  • Stay away from alcohol
  • Ensure you have a balanced meal
  • Get plenty of water
  • Light exercises can help
  • Walk on a regular basis.
  • No smoking
  • Reduce Stress
  • Take medications on time

Austic children are different from us – they need special care, love and support. Their world is different from us but they respond to acts of kindness and love.

If you know someone with autism, be kind, compassionate and make their life special.

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