Benefits of Not Eating Meat for a Week

My husband loves meat so much that every meal has meat. I find it quite frustrating and often wonder if it is going to cause any harm in the long-run.” Maria tells her Physician during one of her regular appointments. This is something Doctors all over the world are dealing with it in the present time. Yes, there are health consequences, though it might not be the same for everyone.

Meat Addiction is a Reality:

If you look at kids today, you will find them solely dependent on meat. For breakfast, lunch and dinner – serve them meat and they will finish their meal quickly.

Moms find it easy as well – sandwiches, pasta, rice, bread, soups – everything can be loaded with meat. But why? Did our parents or grandparents have so much meat?

Why not eat veggies with the same addiction? Meat addiction is a reality now which needs attention. Health experts mention that if you are having meat daily and not balancing with equal proportion of vegetables, it’s time to be alert.

Let’s first understand the basics. There was a time when eating meat was a status symbol and suggested abundance. The wealthy had meat more often – so serving meat to guests was something that people loved to flaunt.

Why Do People Love Meat So much?

  • It is tasty/delicious. Can be served in different ways.
  • Can be had at any time of the day.
  • It is filling and can be had with several items.

What else?

Probably nothing more – it is more about being tasty and delicious.

What Happens If You Consume Too Much Meat?

Several meats are loaded with fat in the form of saturated fat. So, it can increase cholesterol levels in the blood. With high cholesterol, there is an increased risk of heart attack.

It is also known that meat is rich in purines that break down into uric acid. This can increase the risk of having kidney stones.

People who have plenty of meat without balancing it with vegetables suffer from conditions like constipation, obesity and indigestion.

What Will Happen if You Stop Eating Meat for a Week?

So, if you wish to bring a change in your diet, start by reducing your meat intake and see the difference in your body.

Can Reduce Your Cholesterol Level:

This is one of the main reasons why people choose to have plant based food only. Those who have plant based food find reduced levels of cholesterol in the body by as much as 35%. Red meat specially is one of the biggest cause of high cholesterol

It Can Help Reduce Inflammation in your Body:

Having plenty of highly processed foods, a lot of cheese and meat can lead to inflammation in the body. If inflammation exists in the body for a long time if can bring in other diseases like diabetes, autoimmune diseases and different conditions.

Can Help in Reducing Constipation:

Constipation is a major problem in children these days. They have lots of meat and do not balance it with good amount of vegetables. As a result, constipation. Try reducing your meat intake for a week and you will see a big difference.

Helps in Managing Skin Related Problems:

It is known that not having meat for a week is beneficial for the skin. It helps in reducing skin problems such as acne, With reduced consumption of meat it is known that hormones start self-regulating.

Now, the big question is – How will I get the protein without meat?

Well, there is always a way. Try including soyabeans, pulses, quinoa, seeds, dairy, cereals and grains in your diet which are a great replacement of meat.

If there wasn’t any good replacement of meat, how would vegetarians survive or how would they get their necessary quantity of meat?

Many people ask, if there is a possibility of losing weight if you do not have meat for a week?

Honestly, losing weight is never that easy. It might bring a very little difference in weight but stopping to eat meat for a week doesn’t actually help to lose weight.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Much Meat Should One Have per day?

If your daily calorie requirement is 2000 in a day, you can have 4 ounces of meat in a day. It will help in meeting the protein recommendation. However, red meat or processed meat should be avoided.

What is an example of healthy meat?

If you are a meat lover, you can have more of chicken breast and turkey breast instead of pork belly and beef.

Is it okay to eat meat 3 times in a day?

No, it can lead to many health issues especially when red meat is consumed. Processed meat should be had in less quantities.

Is it okay to have chicken daily?

You can have chicken daily but in moderate quantities. Also, it should be cooked in a healthy way and not overloaded with oil and spices that can lead to digestion problems.

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