How to Gain Followers Using Instagram Reels (with examples that make sense!)

Instagram Reels is a relatively new feature that has taken the platform by storm. With its short-form, attention-grabbing videos, Reels provides a unique opportunity to engage with your followers and gain new ones. With that being said, let’s take a look at how you can use Instagram Reels to grow your audience and gain more followers.

Be creative and original with your content

One of the key features of Instagram Reels is that it allows you to showcase your creativity and originality. You can use a combination of music, special effects, and filters to create engaging and unique content that stands out from the crowd. To gain more followers, you need to create content that people want to watch and share.

For example, if you’re a makeup artist, you could create Reels that showcase your skills and techniques. You could use the “before and after” format to demonstrate the transformation, or use special effects to add a touch of whimsy. By creating original and engaging content, you’ll attract more followers who appreciate your creativity.

Use trending hashtags and music

Another way to gain followers with Instagram Reels is to tap into the power of trending hashtags and music. Just like with regular Instagram posts, using the right hashtags can help your Reels reach a wider audience. You can also use popular songs or sounds to make your videos more relatable and fun.

For example, if you’re a fitness trainer, you could create Reels that use popular workout songs and trending fitness hashtags. This will help your content reach people who are interested in fitness and are more likely to follow you for more tips and inspiration.

Collaborate with other creators

This is another effective way to gain more followers with Instagram Reels. By partnering with other users who have a similar audience, you can reach new people who might not have discovered you otherwise. You can create duets or “stitch” together different Reels to create a seamless collaboration.

For example, if you’re a fashion influencer, you could collaborate with another fashion influencer to create a Reel that showcases your styles and outfits. This will not only give your followers more content to enjoy, but it will also introduce you to a new audience that might be interested in following you.

Post consistently and engage with your audience

Finally, to gain more followers with Instagram Reels, you need to be consistent and engage with your audience. This means posting Reels on a regular schedule, responding to comments, and liking and sharing other users’ content. By engaging with your followers, you’ll build a loyal community that is more likely to recommend you to others.

For example, if you’re a food blogger, you could create Reels that showcase your recipes and cooking techniques. You could also respond to comments and answer questions about your recipes, building a community of followers who trust and appreciate your content.

In conclusion, Instagram Reels provides a unique opportunity to engage with your followers and gain new ones. By being creative and original with your content, using trending hashtags and music, collaborating with other creators, and engaging with your audience, you can grow your following and increase your reach on the platform.

Instagram Reels are super popular among teens and young people for a few simple reasons.

Short and Snappy: Instagram Reels are popular because they are short, usually lasting only 15 to 30 seconds. This brevity makes them quick to watch and easy to create.

Creative Expression: Reels allow users to get creative with music, effects, and editing. Users can make their videos visually appealing and add their favorite tunes, providing a fun and expressive outlet.

Explore Page Visibility: Reels have the chance to appear on the Explore page, exposing users’ content to a broader audience beyond their followers. This feature makes it exciting for those who want their videos to reach more people.

Trendy Format: Creating and watching Reels has become a trend. When everyone in your social circle is engaging with Reels, it becomes a popular and enjoyable way to share moments and connect with others in a short and entertaining format.

Social Engagement: The trend of making several Reels a day is driven by the desire to actively participate in the current social media culture, where sharing frequent, bite-sized content has become a norm for teens and young people.

Okay, so reels are made and in huge numbers.

But why are people watching reels all day? What’s the catch?

There are many –

Source of Entertainment: Reels are designed to be short and engaging, providing a quick burst of entertainment. Users often watch them to enjoy humorous, creative, or visually appealing content.

About New Content: The Explore page features a variety of Reels, exposing users to content beyond their regular feed. This helps users discover new creators, trends, and interests.

Fast Consumption: Reels are convenient for users with limited time. Their short duration allows people to quickly consume content during short breaks or in between other activities.

It’s a Social Connection: Watching Reels allows users to stay connected with friends and influencers. People often follow accounts that share content they find interesting, creating a sense of connection and shared experiences.

Trendy and FOMO: Due to the popularity of Reels, users may feel compelled to watch them to stay in the loop with current trends. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on popular challenges, trends, or viral content motivates people to engage with Reels regularly.

User-Generated Content: Reels often feature user-generated content, making it relatable and authentic. Viewers enjoy content created by real people, contributing to a sense of community and relatability.

Visual Appeal: The creative and visually appealing nature of Reels, with features like music, effects, and editing options, attracts users who appreciate aesthetically pleasing and well-crafted content.

In summary, people watch Reels for entertainment, discovery, social connection, convenience, staying on-trend, relatability, and visual appeal.

Can you earn from your reels?

No, you cannot.

Instagram Reels themselves do not have a direct monetization feature like some other platforms. However, Instagram as a whole offers various monetization opportunities for creators, and these opportunities may extend to Reels indirectly.

Check out some ways you can earn from your reels.

Instagram Partner Program:

Creators can join the Instagram Partner Program, which provides various monetization options such as brand partnerships and collaborations.

Branded Content:

Creators can collaborate with brands for sponsored content. This involves featuring or promoting a brand’s product or service in their Reels, and in return, they may receive payment or other perks.

Affiliate Marketing:

Creators can use affiliate marketing to earn commissions by promoting products or services and including affiliate links in their Reels.

IGTV Ads: While not directly related to reels, Instagram allows eligible creators to monetize IGTV (Instagram TV) videos through ads.

Live Badges:

During Instagram Live sessions, viewers can purchase badges to support their favorite creators. While this is specific to live content, creators often use a combination of different features on the platform.

It’s essential to stay updated on Instagram’s features and policies, as the platform frequently evolves, and new monetization options may be introduced. Additionally, Instagram may have introduced new features or changes after my last update in January 2022.





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