7 Ways to Build an Impressive Brand on Social Media

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for building your brand and connecting with your target audience. But this is only possible when you know how to leverage social media. With billions of users worldwide, social media platforms can be quite complicated.

Since social media platforms offer unparalleled reach and engagement opportunities, you can’t miss out on the chance of building a longstanding brand.

In case you don’t know how to proceed with it, we have provided a few tips to help you.

Here are 7 ways to build your brand on social media:

Define your brand voice and personality.

Before you start posting on social media, you need to define your brand’s voice and personality. The quote “Be yourself because everyone else is taken” was probably made by social media gurus.

Social media platforms and their users prefer individuality and reward it with engagement and massive reach. Your brand voice should reflect your brand’s values and mission and resonate with your target audience. It’s important to be consistent in your brand voice across all social media platforms to build brand recognition and trust.

Choose the right social media platforms.

There are many social media platforms available, but not all of them may be suitable for your brand. Consider your target audience’s demographics and preferences when choosing the platforms to focus on. For example, if your target audience is mostly youngsters in their teens who are visual learners, then being active on Instagram and TikTok may be better options than LinkedIn.

Create high-quality, visually appealing content.

Social media platforms prefer visual content formats, so one must create high-quality, visually appealing content to capture their audience’s attention. Use high-resolution images, videos, and infographics to make your content stand out. Consistency in branding across posts can help build brand recognition. Knowing what sorts of visuals are trending can help your reach significantly.

Engage with your audience.

Engagement is critical to building your brand on social media. Respond to comments, mentions, and direct messages promptly, and engage with your audience through polls, quizzes, and live videos. By engaging with your audience, you can build stronger relationships and encourage them to share your content with their networks. Never forget to reply to comments and DMs that are from people who are genuinely interested in your brand.

Use relevant and popular hashtags.

Hashtags are used so that one can expand their reach to cater to a wider audience on social media. Use relevant, popular hashtags to increase your content’s visibility, and create branded hashtags to promote your brand and encourage user-generated content. Be sure to research and choose hashtags carefully, using tools like Hashtagify and RiteTag to help you find the most effective ones.

Collaborate with influencers.

Collaborating with social media influencers is an effective way to increase your brand’s visibility and reach. Look for influencers who share your brand values and have a large, engaged following in your niche. Partner with them on campaigns, product launches, and giveaways to build brand awareness and credibility. While it could be tough for beginners to start with collabs, it is doable with some preparation.

Monitor your brand’s reputation.

Social media can be both positive and negative for your brand. It’s important to monitor your brand’s reputation regularly to ensure that your content and messaging align with your brand values and that your audience’s feedback is addressed promptly. Use social listening tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Brandwatch to track mentions of your brand and industry keywords on social media.

Apart from the aforementioned, it’s essential to be consistent in your branding, messaging, and engagement to create a cohesive brand experience that resonates with your audience.

But the problem is that there are hundreds of brands out there – how to reach the customer?

How To Capture User Attention on Social Media – Reaching Your Customers

As we are well into 2023, capturing user attention on social media has become a constant challenge. One of the best ways to break through the noise and engage audiences effectively is through visual content.

Visual content such as memes, videos, infographics, and images has a positive effect on social media engagement.

How Visual Content Can Help in Reaching Customers

There have been many studies that have concluded that visual elements that receive higher engagement rates are more likely to be liked or shared. These visual elements receive higher engagement rates, which are more than likely to enhance their reach and build a stronger connection with the target audience.

So how can one take advantage of this opportunity?

Following these smart tips can help marketers enhance social media reach through visuals.

Adding relevancy:

Adding a visual element to every piece of content shared is the first step to increasing engagement and driving traffic. Visual elements can include text-based graphics, imagery, photos, infographics, and even memes. When choosing a particular type of visual to share on social media, marketers should ask the following questions:

  • Who is the target audience and what is the demographic of social media followers?
  • What kind of content do readers find valuable?
  • What kind of visual content is shared the most by them?

If one is unsure about the type of visual to add, one can simply download a unique, licence-free photo from the internet. Only those visuals that are aligned with the brand should be chosen.

Social network preferences:

Each social media site presents images in a slightly different way. Marketers should always pay attention to channel preferences and optimise accordingly. For instance, Facebook allows users to select one or multiple photos to appear. They can also choose how the images are presented.

Some of the optimal sizing guidelines for different social media sites are mentioned below.

  • Twitter: 440*220 pixels
  • Facebook: 1200 x 630 pixels
  • LinkedIn: 646*220 pixels with a maximum file size of 2 MB
  • Pinterest: 800 x 1200 pixels.

Creating unique graphics:

There are several tools, such as Canva, that can help users make original designs. It is always recommended to take the extra step to create original graphics, as they do a better job of complementing the written content.

There are many graphic creators to choose from that allow users to create flowchart-style graphics and bold, colourful infographics. However, a simple text or design complemented by interesting patterns is a great way to create something unique.

Branded visuals:

When content is shared along with powerful and engaging visuals, the audience helps expand the reach by sharing it. On many social media sites, the original post author can share the link or photo with the option of editing the caption and personalising it.

Companies should brand their images by adding a watermark to their logo. That way, they do not miss out on marketing themselves whenever that photo reaches new audiences.

Considering visuals from step one:

Marketers should never wait until they are sharing their content to add visual elements. They should consider adding them to the first step of content creation when planning or creating a social media calendar.

When creating a piece of content, one should always take a mental note of what images can be added and how they should be presented. The images should be selected and placed in a way that can depict what the content is trying to say.

Trying to incorporate the latest trends:

It is always preferred that the incorporated visual content be relevant to the content being added and attached to the latest trending news.

This helps boost the visibility of the content on different search engines, making the post more searchable. The brand is also exposed to a wider audience, allowing it to gain more exposure across different target groups.

Using behind-the-scenes content:

Social media has provided marketers with an effortless way to increase transparency and show a more personal side to attract more customers.

Many studies have concluded that the majority of consumers are more loyal to brands that exhibit transparency. Apart from pictures, videos can be used to show what goes on behind the scenes.

Brands can show how their staff creates the products, which will provide a whole new insight into their world to potential customers.


Visuals can be a huge asset for any business looking to expand its reach. It forms a part of almost all social media campaign strategies at the moment. To get the best help and consultation, companies should approach reputed digital marketers who are experts at cleverly using visual elements to get the desired results.



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