10 Unusual Reasons to Start a YouTube Channel and Earn

We all know someone or follow a YouTube channel that is doing well.

We also know the earning potential.

How can someone showing daily life routines, vlogging about food, showcasing activities, events and even cleaning something is fetching views and subscribers? More views and subscribers mean more money. In fact, in India, thousands of women are doing exceptionally well with their YouTube channels.

This has motivated hundreds of people to start their YouTube channel to make a lot of money.

Let’s see some unusual reasons why you can start a YouTube channel and Earn Money.

You Find it Interesting:

Most people start a YouTube channel because it seems interesting. For many, it’s a way to become a celebrity.

People recognize YouTubers in public places, approach them for interviews and love to click pictures with them. It is interesting, fun, and something that doesn’t seem to be daunting. All that needs to be done is shoot videos, edit them and post them. It won’t be boring any time.

It’s Not a 9-5 Job:

Ah, we have all gone through this!

No one likes to go to the office on Mondays, just after returning from the office, work during festivals, be present even when there is no work and work till the stipulated time.

What if you get the same money by doing your own thing? Not a 9 to 5 job and still earning a lot. Yes, a good reason to start a YouTube channel.

No Big Investment:

If you start a YouTube channel, you do not have to invest a big amount or need any space to rent.

We all have mobile phones and internet connection. Your YouTube channel can be started with these two only. As you feel your channel is growing and you wish to improve the quality of your vlogs, you can invest in other products like Tripod.

No Fixed Timing:

One of the best things and motivating factors for starting a YouTube channel is that you get to do things you love or are passionate about. There are no fixed timings – but it is often said that if you wish to be successful, you have to work hard and be consistent with your vlogs.

Start Whenever You Feel Like:

You can start your YouTube channel at any time. You just need an email address and create your channel. It is as simple as that. No formal education or training is needed to start a YouTube channel.

Your Chance to Follow Your Passion:

Love to sing but have no audience? Just start your YouTube channel and post your videos. You have the world to hear you.

Or, you are a teacher and would love to teach, then start a YouTube channel. You will be earning as you provide knowledge to others for free.

Enjoy Some Free Goodies:

Have you seen vloggers promoting goodies like beauty products, mattresses, utensils, clothes and so many things. Why do they do that?

  • They get to use the products for FREE
  • If they have a wide subscriber base and a large following, they even get paid for it.


In return, they just promote the product. Talk about its features and usefulness. Companies see this as a scope to reach out to a large number of people at a stretch.

Earning Potential is High:

If you are dedicated and able to create engaging content, something that people love to see and view, you are going to make a lot of money. There are several YouTubers who are earning millions in a year. It is one of the easiest ways to increase your income.

But, yes, you have to work hard for it – even when you are doing things you enjoy.

You Have Nothing Else to Do:

What if you are desperate to earn money, but do not know how? In such a situation, it is great to start a YouTube channel.

  • Many people do not like a 9 to 5 Job.
  • They do not have the funds to start a business of their own.
  • They are not qualified enough or trained
  • There has been a career gap.
  • Health reasons do not permit a job that involves a commute
  • You cannot leave home to work.

Choose What You Like To Do:

Since YouTube is something that involves a lot of work continuously, you need to do something you enjoy. Thus, you will never run out of ideas when you need a topic for your vlog.

Check out some of the most popular channel ideas that can help you to earn money.

  • For those who love to cook – Cooking Channel
  • Those who love music – Music Channel
  • If you love to travel – Travel vlog
  • Review vlog where you can post reviews of products and services
  • Entertainment channel
  • Teaching Channel
  • DIY Channel where you teach arts and crafts
  • Educational Channel
  • Lifestyle Vlogs
  • Sports related educational vlogs
  • News/ Informational Vlogs
  • Movie review vlogs
  • Skill Specific Vlogs

The ideas are limitless – you just need to get started with your vlog and you are not going to regret it.

Must Read:

11 Best Jobs for Women Who are Over 40

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